Articles from periodicals for March 2015

The idea 2015 num. 1

The independence of the Republic of  Kazakhstan – a Great story Mangilik Yel 

Ethnic groups in Kazakhstan society 

Youth and ethical standards of conduct 

“Shale revolution” and its aftermath 

Labor motivation 

Symphony of soul of the musicologist Anatoly Kelberg 

High school of the XXI century 2014  num. 22

High school is needed in  greater openness 

Rectors ‘ Union is ready to take responsibility 

Interest in technical education is growing 

The diversity of chemical technology 

Science and life

Supercomputers-to the masses! 

Why the child is not learning?

 Dust: a heart response 

From nanotechnology to nanoindustry 

Essential copper

Facts and figures 

The scientific Council 2014 num. 11

Russian universities in the QS world rankings 

Competence approach in education: concept, innovation, factors of formation 

Federal state educational standard of higher education (FSED-3 plus): requirements for the results of study of undergraduate programs

 The problem field of the modern educational system of Russia

 The problem of tolerance in modern society: approaches to understanding 

Education problems  2014  num. 4

Russian science and higher education under the conditions of globalization 

Analysis of the activities of the universities of  Western Europe : from quality assessment to accreditation 

Occupational stress and job satisfaction of teachers of  Russian universities

 Causes of  bad faith in education and students ‘ understanding of the rules of conduct (Qualitative research interview)

Alma mater 2014, number 11

The role of education in shaping the globalist mentality

Extracurricular activities at high school some problems and possible ways of development

Diagnostics of the structure and technology of formation of professional activity of youth

The formation of the national qualifications system and pair it with educational standards

Pedagogical technology of teaching chemistry in the agricultural University

Scientific and theoretical basis of modeling  rhodesiense competencies in the training of students

The formation of  humanistic values, moral and creative components of the future graduates of the technical University

Modus vivendi of  linguistic and mathematical education

Accreditation in education 2014, number  7

“Professionally to more”

“Russian technology is world class”

Higher education in Russia 2014, number 10

“Evaluation of stakeholders of the  learning outcomes in the system of quality assurance of educational programs”

“The civilization of  Russia” experience design approach in the Patriotic education of youth

“MOOC: reconstruction of higher education”

Some of the results of the implementation of the development activities of student associations

