Institute of Continuous Education

The Institute of Continuing Education was established on October 7, 2024, through the merger of three structural units: The Engineering Pedagogy Center, the Advanced Training Institute, and the Sh. Kudayberdiyev Languages Triunity Center.

The Institute of Continuing Education conducts its educational activities through the following programs: (professional development of teaching staff; professional development of specialists from industrial enterprises and organizations; pedagogical retraining courses; training of master’s students in pedagogical profile programs; non-formal education; Silver University courses; language courses).

Links to Sections:

Head of the Institute of Continuing Education
Staff of the Institute of Continuing Education


  • Karaganda, N. Nazarbayev Avenue 56 Building No. 1, Rooms 525 and 531
  • Phone.: 8(7212) 565-233, 565-932 (вн. 1106)
  • E-mail: