Scientific publications

Journal “Automatics Computer Science” 

Scientific-technical magazine “Universitettin enbekteri- University’s works”

Proceedings of the International scientific conference «Science and education as a leading factor in strategy «Kazakhstan – 2030» (Saginov’s readings No 4)

Proceedings of the International scientific conference «Science and education as a leading factor in strategy «Kazakhstan – 2030» (Saginov’s readings No 5-6) 

Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference “Integration of science, education and production as the basis for implementation of the Plan of nation” Saginov’s readings No. 7)

Contribution of youth science to realization of the strategy “Kazakhstan-2050” abstracts of the Republican scientific student conference (16-17 April 2015)

Contribution of youth science to realization of the strategy “Kazakhstan-2050” abstracts of the Republican student scientific conference (14-15 April 2016)

Тезисы докладов республиканской студенческой научной конференции “Вклад молодежной науки в реализацию Стратегии “Казахстан-2050″” (12-13 апреля 2018 г.)

Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference “Integration of science, education and production as the basis for implementation of the Plan of nation” Saginov’s readings No. 8)

Сагиновские чтения №10

THESIS OF REPORTS of the Republican student’s scientific conference “Contribution of youth science in the implementation of the Strategy “Kazakhstan‐2050”

