Articles from periodicals for August 2015

Higher education in Russia 2015 No. 5

About the system of work with gifted children
Effective contract at the higher school of Russia
Education on the basis of networking
Kazan technological University is 125 years
The world experience of using distance education technologies
Scientific and scientific-production activity of the national research University
Modern youth policy at the University
The formation of the educational policy of the University and its realization in modern conditions
The evolution of strategic approaches to motivation research and teaching staff education on the basis of networking
Effective contract in the University: Practice implementation

A thought 2015 No. 6

The Bologna process: problems of transit
The Erath from God, where the true owner — the people
International Russian-Chinese conventions on the border
The impact of globalization on national economics
The role of melatonin to human health
Saudi Arabia – the Kingdom of oil

Pedagogy 2015 No. 4

Belarus: theoretical and methodological foundations of modern education students
Psychoanalytic pedagogy of Siegfried Bernfeld
Problems of education of youth in modern France
Pedagogical ideas of the late XIX — early XX centuries of Patriotic and civil education of the youth

Modern education 2015 No. 1

In the interests of the state and the individual
