Center for Quality Management and Accreditation
- DP Х-01-2022 Management of documented information
- DP X-05-2022 Documented procedure documentation management and archive support
- DP X-03-2022 Nonconformities and corrective actions
- DP VIII-01-2022 Identification and traceability
- DP X-04-2022 Development of quality goals and plans
- IDR III-09-2022 Regulation on holding a competition of scientific projects for a grant for young scientists
- IDR ІІІ-10-22 Regulation on Postdoctoral Studies
- VI-03-2022 Regulation on Planning Scientific-Research Activities
- IAP VII-01-2022 Provision Educative process system
- KTU IRD IV-08-2021 On the ethical commission of Karaganda technical university
- IDR VI-05-2022 Regulation on the main requirements to manuscripts of the monographs
- IRD III-14-2022 Regulation on the Young Scientists Council
- RTA V-01-2022 Regulation on the Dual Education System
- VІ-04-2022 Internal Activity Provision on the scientific activity processes management of students
- Internal Activity Provision III-07-2022 Provision of the flow of funds on scientific and (or) scientific-technical projects/programs of grant and program-targeted finanging
- IDR VIII-10-2022 Provision of the Academic Council
- RTA III-15-2022 Regulation on the Quality Assurance Committee
- III-13-2022 Internal Activity Provision on Scientifiс and Technical Council
- RX-02- 2022 Rules for registration of organizational and administrative documentation
- R X-06-2022 Rules of Library Information Resources Management
- RX Х-01-2022 Rules of Preparing Educational-methodological Complex
- R-X-07-2022 Rules of organizing activities in th field of development, legal protection and use of intellectual property
- R III-04-2022 Rules of Organizing the Program of Student External Academic Mobility
- R III-06-2022 for Providing Services under the Programs of Additional Education
- R V-11-2022 Rules of Identifying Organizations as Practice Bases
- R V-10-2022 Rules of Organizing and Conducting Professional Practices
- R V-09-2022 Rules of Graduate Employment
- R V-08-2022 General requirements for the presentation of text educational documents and basic inscriptions
- R X-05-2022 Rules of Prep. and Exec. Train. and Scient. literature
- Rules III-01-2022 Internal rules
- Rules Х-03-2022 Rules of development. agreement and approval of the division provision
- Rules Х-04-2022 Rules of development. agreement and approval of the job description
- MG XI-01-2022 Procurement Management and Supplier Selection
- МI X-01-2023 Monitoring the quality of educational services by means of questioning student
- VI-01-2022 Of holding a youth competition of the business pro-jects guide
- MG V-11-2022 Organizing, storing
- МG V-09-2022 Procedure of Organizing and Conducting Laboratory, Practical and Seminar Classes
- МG V-08-2022 Procedure of Organization and Implementation of the Course Project
- MI V-07-2022 Diploma Project. General Requirements to Organization and Implementation
- MG V-06-2022 General Requirements for Graphic Documents
- МG V-05-2022 Design and development of educational services
- MG V-04-2022 Standard regulations for the development and review of work programs
- DP VIII-01-2022 Identification and traceability
- MG V-10-2022 Procedure of development and certification of digital content
- MG V-03-2022 Designing of educational programs
- MG X-02-2022 Monitoring and Assessing Educational Programs