Chair of the Kazakh language and culture


The Department of the Kazakh language and Culture carries out educational, methodical and educational work teaching to speak the Kazakh language and conduct business in the state language.

The work of the department is aimed at studying students of the Kazakh language, fluency in the state language in various communicative – socio-political, educational, professional, social and household spheres.

The department conducts its work in accordance with annual plans, including educational, methodological, research, educational and other types of work.

The teaching staff of the Department of Kazakh Language and Culture conducts the discipline “Kazakh language” for 1st year students of the university and the discipline “Professional Kazakh language” for undergraduates.


The mission of the department:

Providing high-quality educational services in accordance with national and international educational standards in the training of specialists with high moral qualities, high qualifications, competitive, capable of demonstrating knowledge and professional skills accumulated in accordance with the requirements of the time in their future professional activities at a high level.



  • high-quality education in the state language for future specialists of a technical university;
  • improving the content and methods of teaching;
  • implementation of the results of modern innovative research works of the teaching staff of the department in the educational process in educational activities;

increasing the scientific and pedagogical potential of the department;

  • develop students’ intellectual and creative abilities, new thinking, independent reasoning and academic fairness;
  • fostering students’ sense of patriotism through national culture and language;
  • Organization of intra-university events in order to implement the state program for the functioning and development of languages.