Mechanical Engineering faculty
Order establishing the Graduates Club
Implementation plan of agreements with CU for 2023-2024
The plan of visiting meetings of MF departments at KU enterprises for the academic year
About the activities of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in the framework of Corporate University in 2023
International cooperation at the TOMiS Department
The TOMiS Department cooperates with:
– Poznan University of Technology (Poznan, Poland) on the project “Creation of a universal prototype gear pump for hydraulic systems capable of pumping viscous liquids of various nature” (2023-2025)
– Yanka Kupala Grodno State University (Grodno, Belarus) “Development of compositions of sand-polymer composite materials and technological support for their processing into machine-building products” (2023-2025)
As part of the implementation of the educational program of the PhD in Mechanical Engineering, research work is carried out with the Moscow Institute of Steel Alloys (Moscow, Russia), St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (St. Petersburg, Russia), Vilnius Technical University. Gediminas (Vilnius, Lithuania) doctoral students undergo scientific training and perform scientific experiments.
Internship of doctoral students of the OP “Mechanical Engineering” at the Vilnius Technical University. Gediminas
Every year, foreign scientists are invited to give lectures to students, undergraduates, doctoral students of the TOMIS department:
– PhD, Associate Professor Sravanthi Sashikumar (Manchester, UK) – Metropolitan University of Manchester;
– PhD, Associate Professor Lukasz Wargula and Lukasz Gierz (Poznan, Poland) – Poznan University of Technology;
– PhD, Associate Professor Khairur Rijal Jamaludin (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) – Malaysian University of Technology;
– PhD, Associate Professor Agota Horvathne Dr. Dregelyi Kiss (Budapest, Hungary) – Obuda University.
Teachers of the department take part in lectures on the Erasmus program.

Fulbright Scholar Emmett Cashman: New opportunities for developing language skills
Since September 2023, a Fulbright scholar from the United States, Emmet Koshman, has started working at the Department of Foreign Languages, providing students and teachers with unique opportunities to improve their language competencies. As part of his work, a free Speaking Club is held for students and teachers twice a week, which contributes to the development of oral speech in English. Mr. Cashman also teaches courses in “Business English” and “Interpreting Courses” as part of the educational program “Scientific and Technical Translation”. These courses are designed to prepare students for work in international business and provide them with the necessary linguistic and cultural knowledge. Emmett Koshman will continue to work at the department until June 2024, actively participating in various events of the department and contributing to the development of language competencies of students and teachers.
At the Department of NTM:
- In the first half of 2023, branches of the Department of NTM operated on the basis of the KHMI named after J. Abishev and LLP “Karaganda Machine-Building Plant named after Parkhomenko” and LLP “Santehprom”.
In addition to these enterprises, the department interacts with many existing production enterprises (Asia FerroAlloys LLP, Maker-KLMZ LLP, Kurylys-Met LLP, ArcelorMittal Temirtau JSC, YDD Corporation LLP, etc.) on issues of coordinating thematic plans of taught disciplines, topics of term papers and theses, organization and conducting industrial and pre-graduate practices, study tours, advanced training courses and internships, joint implementation of research projects, graduate employment and much more.
- In the first half of 2023, on the basis of the branch at the KHMI named after Zh. Abishev, training sessions were held in 2 disciplines of the master’s degree and 2 disciplines of the bachelor’s degree:
– “Corrosion and protection of metals” (Ph.D., Associate Professor Narembekova A.K.);
– “Anticorrosive coatings of castings” (Ph.D., Associate Professor Narembekova A.K.);
– “Planning and processing of experimental results” (Ph.D., Associate Professor Narembekova A.K.);
– “Technology for obtaining nanomaterials” (Ph.D., Associate professor Narembekova A.K.);
– “Planning and processing of experimental results” (PhD, senior lecturer Sultangaziev R.B.).
3. In the first half of 2023, a Doctor of Technical Sciences, head of the laboratory, acted as chairman of the SAC for the educational program 7M07103 “Materials Science and TNM”. KHMI named after J. Abishev – M.M. Dospaev.
Since the beginning of the current academic year, the following specialists of KU enterprises have been involved as scientific supervisors of theses:
– S.S. Markaryants – Deputy General Director of Santehprom LLP for Development;
– Sarsengalieva U. B. – Head of the testing laboratory of Santehprom LLP;
– Kuripko S. A. – Chief Designer of KMZ LLP. Parkhomenko”;
– Sanakh N. – Head of the workshop for the preparation of charge and molding materials of Asia Ferroalloys LLP;
– Ibraev M.B. – technologist of YDD Corporation LLP.
- In the first half of 2023, 9 leading specialists of the enterprises of the Corporate University are involved as reviewers of the Bachelor’s degree design:
– Baisanov A. S.– sk.t.n., head. laboratory of “Pyrolytic processes” of the KHMI named after J.Abishev;
– Babashov N.J. – Head of the foundry of Asia Ferroalloys LLP;
– M.M. Dospaev – Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of “Electrochemical Processes” of the KHMI named after J.Abishev;
– Gabdullin S. T. – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the laboratory of “Chemical Analysis” of the KHMI named after Zh. Abishev;
– Kosanov A.R. – Head of the production department of Stell manufacturing LLP;
– Lu N.Yu. – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Deputy Director of the KHMI named after Zh.Abishev for scientific work;
– Mukhambetgaliev E. K. – Candidate of Technical Sciences, PhD, Head of the laboratory “Metallurgy of Steel and Materials Science” of the KHMI named after Zh.Abishev;
– Reshotkina E. N. – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory “Metallology and Heat Treatment” of JSC ArcelorMittal Temirtau;
– Suleimenov D.O. – Deputy Head of the workshop of Asia FerroAlloys LLP;
– Kusainova G.D. – Senior researcher at the KHMI named after Zh. Abishev.
- In the period from June 8 to June 15, 2023, on the basis of the branch of the Department of Nanotechnology and Metallurgy at the KHMI named after Z.Abishev, 28 defenses of graduate works were conducted under the bachelor’s degree program 6B07204 “Metallurgy”, which amounted to 42% of the total number of works (66) submitted for defense in the specialty “Metallurgy”.
About 25% of the topics of the theses were agreed with representatives of the enterprises of the University:
– 9 topics on the educational program “Metallurgy” with LLP “KMZ named after Parkhomenko”;
– 6 topics on the educational program “Metallurgy” with the KHMI named after Zh.Abishev;
– 9 topics on the educational program “Materials Science and TNM” with LLP “Santehprom”.
- In the first half of 2023, in the period from March 13 to April 15, 2023, students of the IV course of the department (specialty 6B07204 “Metallurgy” – 62 people, specialty 6B07103 “Materials Science and TNM” – 16 people) completed pre-graduate practice at 9 industrial enterprises, 8 of which are part of the KU:
– JSC “Zhayremsky GOK”, Karazhal, village Zhayrem;
– Nurkazgan processing plant of the branch of Kazakhmys Corporation LLP – ACCORDING to KCM of Karaganda;
– Maker (Maker) LLP, Karaganda;
– Asia FerroAlloys LLP, Karaganda;
– Karaganda Machine-Building Plant named after Parkhomenko LLP, Karaganda;
– Branch of “RSE na PHV “NC KPMS RK” KIRMIIR RK “KHMI named after Zh. Abishev” Karaganda;
– Karlskrona LC AB LLP, Shymkent;
– Kurylysmet LLP, Karaganda;
– LLP “Santehprom”, Karaganda.
In the period from May 22 to June 24, 2023, 71 students of the third year of the bachelor’s degree were sent to the enterprises that are part of the KU for practical training:
– Branch of “RSE na PHV “NC KPMS RK” KIRMIIR RK “KHMI named after Zh. Abishev” Karaganda – 11;
– Asia FerroAlloys LLP, Karaganda – 15;
– LLP “KMZ im. Parkhomenko” Karaganda – 13;
– Maker LLP-KLMZ of Karaganda – 8;
– Representative offices of “Orken-Atasu” LLP “Orken” Karazhal – 4;
– JSC “Zhayremsky GOK”, Karazhal, village Zhairem – 2;
– Kurylysmet LLP, Karaganda – 10;
– Promugletransservice LLP, Karaganda – 1;
– Kazmarganets LLP, Temirtau – 1;
– LLP “Energy Pro” of Karaganda – 1;
– JSC “Minsk Tractor Plant”, Minsk, Republic of Belarus – 2;
– Karlskrona LC AB LLP, Shymkent – 3.
- В первом полугодии 2023 года проведено 4 выездных совещания на предприятиях КУ:
– 26.01.2023 г. – на ТОО «КМЗ им. Пархоменко»;
– 24.02.2023 г. – ХМИ имени Ж.Абишева;
– 17.03.2023 г. – ТОО «Сантехпром»;
– 20.04.2023 г. – ТОО «Asia Ferroalloys»;
. In the first half of 2023, 4 field meetings were held at CU enterprises:
– 01/26/2023 – on LLP “KMZ im. Parkhomenko”;
– 02/24/2023 – KHMI named after J.Abishev;
– 03/17/2023 – LLP “Santehprom”;
– 04/20/2023 – LLP “Asia Ferroalloys”;
A meeting with specialists of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University was held on 05/23/2023 in an online format.
At these meetings, many important issues of joint cooperation were discussed, such as:
– conducting pre-graduate internships for graduate students;
– organization of summer production practices for students enrolled in the educational programs “Metallurgy” and “Materials Science and technology of new materials”;
– organization of internships for teaching staff of the Department of Nanotechnology and Metallurgy;
– participation of leading specialists from the production in the management of graduation projects/works;
– participation of production representatives in the SAC;
– participation of representatives of partner enterprises of the department (KHMI named after Zh. Abishev, LLP “KMZ named afterParkhomenko”, JSC ArcelorMittal Temirtau, etc.) at the annual scientific and practical conference “Saginaw Readings” (June 16-17, 2023);
– discussion of the forms of participation of the enterprise in the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Karaganda Technical University;
– organization of academic mobility for students and undergraduates studying in the educational programs “Metallurgy” and “Materials Science and technology of new materials”;
– organization of advanced training courses for teaching staff of the Department of Nanotechnology and Metallurgy.
By the end of the half-year, it is planned to hold a field meeting on the basis of JSC ArcelorMittal Temirtau, in the period June 26-30, 2023.
A group of scientists from the Department of Nanotechnology and Metallurgy – Kulikov V.Yu., Kvon St.S. and Aubakirov D.R. She took part in a technical meeting with the heads and specialists of Karaganda Machine—Building Plant named after Parkhomenko LLP, at which issues of further development of cooperation within the framework of the Corporate University were considered, including problematic issues of production with prospects for participation in their solution by scientists of the Department of NTM, conducting production and research practices for students and undergraduates, admission to master’s and PhD doctoral programs for employees of the enterprise.
On March 31, 2023, a group of employees of the department – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Isagulov A.Z., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, head of the department Kulikov V.Yu., PhD, associate professor, head of ILIP KORMS Andreyashchenko V.A., senior teachers Tulegenova Sh.N., Medvedeva I.E. and Aubakirov D.R. took part in a round table meeting the table on the topic: “Mechanical engineering of Kazakhstan: Challenges of the new time”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov. At this event, which was held on the territory of Maker LLP – Karaganda Foundry and Machine-Building Plant, topical issues of both the machine-building industry itself and numerous issues of improving the training of engineering personnel were discussed. The round table was directly attended by heads and representatives of leading industrial enterprises and associations at the regional and national levels:
– OUL “Union of Machine Builders of Kazakhstan”;
– RCE “Atameken”;
– Kazakhmys Corporation LLP;
– JSC “Shubarkul Komir” “ERG”;
– Maker (Maker) LLP;
– Asia Ferroalloys LLP;
– Inkar-1 LLP;
– Kurylysmet LLP;
– Karaganda Plant of Non-ferrous Rolled Products and Steel LLP;
– Eurasian Machinery LLP;
– YDD Corporation LLP;
– Borusan Malcina Kazakhstan LLP;
– Karaganda Engineering College;
– Temirtau Kazmekhanomontazh LLP and others.
A group of scientists from the Department of NTM – Kulikov V.Yu., Andreyashchenko V.A. and Sarkenov B.B. on May 11, 2023 took part in a round table meeting on the basis of Kurylysmet LLP, dedicated to the further development of scientific and educational cooperation between the department and the enterprise:
– introduction to the staffing table of the department of employees of the enterprise as part-timers;
– involvement of employees of the enterprise to work in the attestation commission for final certification (graduation papers) for 2024, according to the educational programs “Metallurgy” and “Materials Science and technology of new materials”;
– actual scientific and technical problems of production with the prospects of participation of scientists of the department in their solution;
– issues of conducting industrial and research practices for students and undergraduates;
– admission to master’s and doctoral studies of employees of the enterprise, etc.
- In the period January-February 2023, senior teachers of the Department of NTM Tulegenova Sh.N., Medvedeva I.E., Yudakova V.A. and Platonova E.S. conducted advanced training courses for employees of Asia Ferroalloys LLP:
– “Fundamentals of metallurgical production” – 8 people;
– “Fundamentals of foundry production” – 8 people;
– “Powder metallurgy” – 2 people;
– “Fundamentals of heat treatment” – 15 people;
– “Fundamentals of casting from non-ferrous alloys” – 8 people.
- Heads and leading employees of partner enterprises of the department, which are part of the KU, took part in the round table on 06/16/2023, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Karaganda Technical University:
– V.V. Surina – Director of LLP “KMZ im. Parkhomenko”;
– Baisanov S.O. – Director of the branch “RSE na PHV “NC KPMS RK” KIRMIIR RK “KHMI named after Zh. Abishev”;
– Sagynganov R.E. – Production Director of Asia Ferroalloys LLP;
– S.S. Markaryants – Deputy General Director of Santehprom LLP for Development Issues.
- According to the Department of NTM, in the current academic year, a number of representatives of KU enterprises took part in joint publications of reports in the Proceedings of the annual scientific and practical conference “XV Saginaw Readings. Integration of Science, education and Production” (June 16-17, 2023), dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Karaganda Technical University:
– Baiseitova E.A., Kovalev P.V., Kulikov V.Yu. The relevance of the use of metal waste and the makings of research;
– Bekbaeva L.A., Makasheva A.M. Malyshev V.P. Silicon oxide dynamikalyk tutkyrlygyny clusterli-associattyk taueldiligi;
– Vorobkalo N.R., Makhambetov E.N., Baisanov A.S. Isagulov A.Z. Investigation of the phase composition of an experimental complex alloy with titanium;
– Kovalev P.V., Kulikov V.Yu., Kovaleva T.V. Patterns of influence of microstructure parameters on low-temperature impact strength;
– Kosnikov G.A., Kovalev P.V. Investigation of graphitized high-aluminum cast irons;
– Kuznetsov A.M., Kovalev P.V., Gritsyuk A.A., Melnik S.G., Ryaboshuk S.V. Behavior of nitrogen during smelting in electric arc furnaces of corrosion-resistant steels of martensitic and austenitic-martensitic class with vacuum-oxygen refining;
– Kuripko S.A. Kulikov V.Yu. The work of the branch of the Department of Nanotechnology and Metallurgy at KMZ LLP. Parkhomenko”;
– Narembekova A.K., Zhumashev K.J. The use of coke chemistry resins for the production of antifriction composites.
- During the reporting period, 5 scientific articles were published in international rating journals indexed by Scopus and Clarivate Analytics databases together with representatives of the KU:
1) Kvon St.S., Nesterova V.I., Omarova A.E., Kulikov V.Yu., Shcherbakova E.P. Study of the mineral composition of promising copper ores of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Integrated use of mineral raw materials, Almaty: Publishing House of JSC “Institute of Metallurgy and Enrichment”, 2023. – No. 2 (325). – pp. 87-93;
2) T.Kovalyova, A.Issagulov, P.Kovalev, V.Kulikov, S.Kvon, S.Arinova. Structural Anisotropy Parameters’ Effect on the Low-Temperature Impact Strength of Alloy Steels in Rolled Products // Metals 2023, 13, 1157;
3) A. A. Alina, V. Yu. Kulikov, A. E. Omarova, P. V. Kovalev. X-RAY phase analysis (XPA) of a cold-hardening mixture (CHM) and the effect of the mixture properties on the casting // «Metalurgija» 62 (2023) 2, 271-274;
4) A. S. Kim, A. A. Akberdin, R. B. Sultangaziyev, A. S. Orlov, G. H. Adamova. Features of the slag regime of smelting boron containing silicochrome // «Metalurgija» 62 (2023) 2, 194-196;
5) Akberdin A.A., Kim A.S., Orlov A.S., Sultangaziev R.B., Makasheva A.M. Mathematical models of viscosity diagrams and crystallization temperatures of melts of the CaO – SiO2 – Al2O3 – B2O3 system // “Metallurgija” 62 (2023) 1, 49-52.
Together with representatives of the KU, 8 scientific articles were prepared for publication in rating journals:
1) Zhumashev K.Zh., Narembekova A.K., Terlikbaeva A.D., Berdikulova F.A. Study on application of coke-chemical coal tar and its reducing properties to produce copper powder for cladding lubricant // CIS Iron and Steel Review Magazine (Russia);
2) Arinova S.K., Kovaleva T.V., Kovalev P., Kulikov V.Yu., Kvon S.S. Studying structural anisotrory parameters of rolled product effect on low-temperature impact strength of microalloyed steels // Metals Magazine (Switzerland);
3) Aubakirov D.R., Akberdin A.A., Kvon St.S., Arinova S.K., Sarkenov B.B., Abdildina M.M. Development of technology for modifying low-chromium cast iron with a complex borbarium modifier // Foundry Production Magazine (Russia);
4) Narembekova A.K., Zhumashev K.Zh., Katrenov B.B., Abdildina M.M., Aitbayev N.B. Conditions of preparation of converter sludge for firing // Journal “Proceedings of the University” (Kazakhstan);
5) Kim A.S., Akberdin A.A., Sultangaziev R.B., Zayakin O.V., Adamova G.H. Kuramynda bor bar silicochromdy koldanu arkyly tumen komirtekti ferrochromdy balkytu procesin thermodynamikalyk modeldeu // Journal “Proceedings of the University” (Kazakhstan);
6) Figurinene I.V., Dospaev M.M., Malashkevich-Briyan E.I., Baiseitova E.A., Kulikov V.Yu. Investigation of the voltammetric behavior of sulfate, thiosulfate ions on metal electrodes in alkaline solutions // Journal “Bulletin of KazNITU”, (Kazakhstan);
7) Akberdin A.A., Kim A.S., Orlov A.S., Sultangaziev R.B. Calculation of the sulfur absorption capacity of metallurgical slags // Sustainability Magazine (Switzerland);
8) Akberdin. A.A., Kim A.S., Tolymbekova L.B., Sultangaziev R.B. Development of technology for smelting complex boron-containing aluminum-silicon ferroalloy // Metallurg Magazine (Russia);
- In the first half of 2023, 10 master’s theses were defended at the department, 6 of them on scientific topics of KU enterprises (JSC ArcelorMittal Temirtau, LLP Karaganda Machine-Building Plant named after Parkhomenko”, KHMI named after J. Abishev).
Of the 78 bachelor graduates of the current year (6B07204 “Metallurgy” – 62 people, 6B07103 “Materials Science and technology of new materials” – 16 people), 24 people completed diploma projects on the topics of industrial enterprises of the Corporate University.
- On the basis of LLP “Karaganda Machine-building Plant named after Parkhomenko” scientific developments are being implemented on the following topics:
– AP 09058352 “Development and implementation of a new heat-resistant alloy and technology for producing parts for metallurgical production based on it” (scientific supervisor – PhD, S. K. Arinova);
– AP 09058350 “Development and implementation of technology for the production of chrome-plated antifriction cast irons for mining equipment parts” (scientific supervisor – PhD, Shcherbakova E. P.);
– AP 19576811 “Development of technology for obtaining a conditioned product from highly dispersed ferroalloy dust” (scientific supervisor – PhD, Isagulova D. A.).
- In the first half of 2023, according to the approved schedule, 15 employees of the NTM department completed an internship, 11 of them at enterprises that are part of the KU:
– JSC ArcelorMittal Temirtau – 1 person;
– LLP “KMZ im. Parkhomenko” – 7 people;
– KHMI named after J. Abishev – 1 person;
– Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University – 2 people.