About the defense of doctoral thesis Ivanov Valeriy Anatolyevich

In Karaganda Technical University will take place Ivanov Valeriy Anatolyevich the doctoral thesis defense for the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) academic degree on a theme «Developing methods of monitoring the condition of high-voltage overhead power lines based on the value of leakage currents with telemetric information transmission» on a specialty 6D071800 «Electric Power Engineering».

The doctoral thesis defense language is Russian.

The dissertation work performed at department of Development automation of production processes of Karaganda Technical University.

Scientific consultants:

1. Kaverin Vladimir Viktorovich – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Аutomation of production processes of the Karaganda Technical University.

2. Shcheglov Nikolay Vladimirovich – candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of High voltage engineering and electrophysics of the Novosibirsk State Technical University, (Novosibirsk city, Russian Federation).


1. Uteuliyev Bauyrzhan Aidildaevich – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Chief Manager of the Department of Innovation and Technology Policy of Kazakhstan Electricity Grid Operating Company (Nur-Sultan сity).

2. Geller Boris Lvovich – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Electrical Equipment for Vessels and Electric Power Industry of the Kaliningrad State Technical University, (Kaliningrad city, Russian Federation).

Temporary composition of the Council:
1. Kletsel Mark Yakovlevich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Electric power of the Pavlodar University named after S. Toraigyrov, Pavlodar city/
2. Mustafin Marat Askarovich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Electric machines and electric drive of Almaty University of Energy and Communications, Almaty city.
3. Issenov, Sultanbek Sansyzbaevich – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Dean of the Energy Faculty of the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin, Nur – Sultan city.

Defense will be held: April 26, 2022, at 14.00 at Karaganda Technical University at the following address: 100027, Karaganda, Avenue Nursultan Nazarbayev 56, The Defense Meeting will be held online on the Zoom platform (conference ID 251 087 4984, access code 1953).

www: http://www.kstu.kz/dissertatsionny-j-sovet/

e-mail: v.ivanov@kstu.kz

Отзыв научного консультанта
Отзыв зарубежного научного консультанта
Рецензия Геллер Б.Л.
Рецензия Утеулиев Б.А.
Заключение Комиссии диссертационного совета на допуск к защите
Список трудов
Заключение этической комиссии
