The Department of Russian Language and Culture held a poetic hour dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the birth of the genius of folk poetry, akyn-improviser Zhambyl Zhabayev, who acts as the bearer of the inexhaustible wealth of folk art, which captures the life history of an entire nation. The bright personality of the creator of truthful songs about the life of the Soviet era is a real symbol of selfless service to his Motherland. His works, combining oral poetry with modern art of words, have not lost their relevance to this day.
The organizers of the event, which took place in an online format based on the TEAMS platform, were Associate Professor of the Department Nasyrova A.B. and senior teacher Tusupbekov A.S. The purpose of the event is to educate, on the example of the life and work of the great Zhambyl, an active life position, a sense of patriotism, pride in the native land, involvement in the cultural traditions and heritage of the Kazakh people.
The event was attended by 56 1st year students of various specialties and teachers of the department.
A video film about Zhambyl was presented to the attention of the participants, in which domestic scientists, poets, politicians shared their memories, talked about the importance of the figure of akyn in Kazakh poetry.
The event was hosted by students of the ARCH-20-2 group Mubiin Gulzat and Tendikova Arina, who introduced the participants to the important facts of the biography of Zhambyl and his most significant works of art from different periods of creativity, revealing their themes and ideological content.
The love for the native land and nature, sung by Zhambyl in poems, was expressed by the students of Zhakbaeva Gaziza (ARCH-20-1), Kayrolla Akbayan (E-20-1), Apendina Amanzhan (TE 20-1).
The October Revolution breathed new life into Zhambyl. The works of this period were distinguished by their belief in a bright future, in the happy fate of the Kazakh people. The spirit of that time was conveyed by students: Ongarbayev Assylbek (MASH-20-2), Seilkhan Amina (PSK-20-1), Bayzhumanovs Nurlan and Yerlan (GD 20-1).
During the war years, Zhambyl’s talent was revealed with special force. It was then that his work “Leningraders, My Children” became the message that instilled hope in the hearts of the inhabitants of besieged Leningrad. A student of the GPR-20-1 group, the winner of the poetry evening “Duniege keler ali talay Kasym” among young poets of KTU Agzamov Eldos, read this poem with special feeling.
The works of Zhambyl live to this day, as evidenced by the genuine interest of students in the poet’s work. It is gratifying to note that they are known, read and admired by modern youth, which gives hope that the legacy of the Great poet will be preserved and passed on from generation to generation.