A meeting of comrades-in-arms and fellow students of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan with students of KSTU

On November 30, 2017 on the eve of the First President Day at 10.00, a round table with participation of comrades-in-arms and fellow students of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held in the conference hall at KSTU.

A group mate and comrade of the President, honorary citizen of Temirtau, honorary metallurgist, Viktor Alexeyevich Nikonov, a group mate and comrade of the President, honorary citizen of Temirtau, honorary metallurgist – Yermek Ibrailovich Tuleubayev, classmate and colleague of the head of State Alexander Ivanovich Vilipp and comrade of the Head of state, professor of the Department “Power engineering systems” of KSTU – Kairulla Beisembayevich Kyzyrov.

Moderation of the event was carried out by First Vice-rector of KSTU Aristotel Zeinullayevich Issagulov.

Honors students and activists, with the rector’s scholarship among them gathered on the round table with participation of the President’s comrade. Almost every one of them wanted to ask questions famous graduates.

In his speech addressed to the gathered students Aristotel Zeinullinovich congratulated everyone on the coming holiday the Day of the First President and presented everyone to each other. Then associates of the President were given the opportunity to appeal personally to the students. Communication between the guests and students of KSTU took place in an intensive and informal mode. The students were active and asked questions concerning not only the professional sphere of interests of the guests, but some personal aspects, and received irrefragable, and sometimes good-natured and full of humor response.

During the visit, the guests visited the Museum of the President in KSTU, where they held a brief but very intense tour and provided access to digitized archival materials to supplement their personal and family photo archives. Guests of Karaganda State Technical University were awarded with commemorative medals. It is noteworthy that Alexander Vilipp, who was the head of the group at the time of student youth, and now lives in Moscow (Russian Federation) however, was able to participate in the design of this coin.
