Isagulov Aristotel Zeinullinovich – Doctor of Technical Science (1999), Professor (2000), Laureate of the Kazakhstan Lenin Komsomol prize (1987), the best inventor of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2005), Academician of the International Academy of Informatization (2000), Academician of the International Academy of science of higher school (2003), Academician of KazNANS (2009).
He graduated with honors from the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute in 1976. In 1972-1976 he was a holder of the Lenin scholarship. From 1976 till 1977 he worked as an engineer-designer of the II category ay the division of the chief metallurgists of PC “Kargormash”. In 1977-1980 he was a post-graduate of the Moscow Automobile-Building Institute (MABI) In 1987-1988 he was a scientific trainee of Aachen Technical University, foundry institute. In 1980-1992 he worked as a senior teacher, an associate professor, from1992 till 2000 as a professor of the chair “Machines, technologies of foundry and structural materials”, and since June 200 as the head of the chair. From March 2004 till June 2011 he was first vice-rector. From July, 2011 worked as Vice-rectror on I & AMW, from January 24, 2013 he is the First Vice-rector of KSTU.
He is a supervisor of introducing in the teaching process new innovation technologies of students’ and masters’ training. With his participation there has been introduced the testing-and-rating system of estimating and controlling students’ knowledge, innovation scientific projects at the enterprises of Corporate University. He took part in developing the republican program of informatization the Republic of Kazakhstan education, the Research University, the republican regulations of the QMS at higher schools, 8 State standards on specialties of baccalaureate and magistracy, criteria of evaluating higher schools activities when carrying out the State attestation and accreditation, normative-and-methodological base of distance learning.
Being a representative of the administration on the quality he took an active part in developing and introducing the quality management system (QMS). The University was the first among the Kazakhstan higher schools to pass a re-certification auditing for the conformity of the training QMS with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2000.
Over 30 years A.Z. Isagulov carries out applied studies in the field of making precious castings, automation of foundry, metallurgy. For the first time there have been developed and introduced in industry (Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus) four new technological processes and machines for producing steel and iron castings. The method of calculating parameters of gas-and-air pulse molding machines is used in developing and using automatic molding lines of “Georg Fisher” (Switzerland), “BMD” (Germany) companies. The units developed for studying technological properties of molds and new grades of steel have been introduced at 20 industrial enterprises and firms of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
A.Z. Isagulov is a supervisor of five EAWs. He published 620 scientific works including 118 patents, 10 monographs, 11 textbooks, 60 books and teaching aids. He trained 2 doctors and 17 candidates of sciences.
He is a member of the Republican council on experimental programs, an expert of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ministry of industry and new technologies and the State commission on prizes in the field of science and education, a member of editing boards of the republican journals “Intellectual property”, “Proceedings of the University”; the chairman of the Central-Kazakhstan division of the IAIS, a working member of the “Association of the Kazakh terminologists”.
The Republic of Kazakhstan Ministry of Education and Science issued A.Z. Isagulov a certificate of the winner in the contest for the best textbook among higher schools of Kazakhstan (2002), and in 2004 he was conferred a certificate “Quality management systems of RK ST ISO 9000:2001”. The Association on certification “CHECK PОINT” conferred him a certificate of the European standard (2005). He is a holder of the state scientific scholarship for scientists and specialists who made an outstanding contribution in the development of science and technology (2008, 2010) and a silver medal named after A. Baitursynov for the best textbook (2011).
A.Z. Isagulov is the USSR inventor (1985), the best inventor of the Karaganda region (1992). He was conferred a gold, a silver and a bronze medals of the USSR EANE (1988, 1990, 1991) and diplomas of the I degree of the Kazakhstan EANE (1987, 1990), a Honorary diploma of the RK Ministry of Education and Science (2005, 2007), a breastplate “Honored worker of the education” (2003), a jubilee medal “10th anniversary of the Kazakhstan Constitution”, a medal “Y. Altynsarin” (2006), a breastplate “For services in science of the Republic of Kazakhstan”(2009), the Republic of Kazakhstan President’s gratitude (2011).