The University received invitation to the conferences:

February 5-6, 2014 will be held International scientific-practical conference Bektayev readings: «Information sharing – future of society’s development», Shymkent, South Kazakhstan state pedagogical Institute;

February 27, 2014 will be held a scientific-practical conference «Kazakhstan 2050: New guidelines for development in a fast changing world», Almaty, Ryskulov Kazakh Economic University;

March 3-10, 2014 will be held International scientific conference: «Development of scientific potential of the higher school»; «Contents and technology management education in the context of the competence approach, UAE (Dubai);

March 4-5, 2014 will be held IV international scientific-practical conference «Prospects of innovative development of coal regions of Russia», Prokopyevsk, Russia, Kemerovo;

May 2-3, 2014 will be held V international conference on Psychology, Management consulting, Dubrovnik (Croatia), University of Zagreb;

May 2-3, 2014 will be held III International conference on design, art and education, Dubrovnik (Croatia), University of Zagreb;

Detailed information can be obtained from Department of science

(main building, office 226).
