The schedule of carrying out SRSP on an autumn semester 2012-2013 academic years on Department of “Computer science”

The schedule of carrying out SRSP on an autumn semester 2012-2013 academic years on Department of “Computer science”


Day of the week Carrying out time The educational case, auditory Discipline Institute/ 



Full name of the teacher (Scientific degree, post)
1 Monday (Num) 9:00-10:55 I-228 Computer science ГИ/ГИК-12-2 Жолмагамбетова Б.Р. 


Monday 17:00-18:45 I-181
2 Friday(Den) 17:00-18:45 I-179 Computer science ГИ/БЖД-12-2 Жолмагамбетова Б.Р. teacher
Saturday 9:00-10:45 I-173
3 Saturday 10:55-12:40 I-173 Computer science ГИ/БТ-12-2 Жолмагамбетова Б.Р. teacher
Saturday(Num) 13:10-14:55 I-173
4 Saturday 15:05-16:50 I-173 Computer science ИАС/ПСК-12-1 Жолмагамбетова Б.Р. teacher
Saturday(Den) 13:10-14:55 I-173
5 Tuesday 15:05-16:50 I-167 Computer science ВТИ/НВП-12-1 Жаксыбаева С.Р. Senior teacher
Saturday (Num) 15:05-16:50 I-175
6 Wednesday 17:00-18:45 I-173 Computer science ВТИ/НВП-12-2 Жаксыбаева С.Р. Senior teacher
Saturday(Den) 15:05-16:50 I-175
7 Friday 15:05-16:50 I-120 Computer science ИМ/МЕТ-12-1 Жаксыбаева С.Р. Senior teacher
Saturday(Num) 10:55-12:40 I-175
8 Friday 17:00-18:45 I-177 Computer science ИМ/МЕТ-12-2 Жаксыбаева С.Р. Senior teacher
Saturday(Den) 10:55-12:40 I-175
9 Saturday 9:00-10:45 I-175 Computer science ИМ/МЕТ-12-3 Жаксыбаева С.Р. Senior teacher
Saturday(Den) 13:10-14:55 I-175
10 Saturday 17:00-18:45 I-175 Computer science ИМ/МАШ-12-2 Жаксыбаева С.Р. Senior teacher
Saturday(Num) 13:10-14:55 I-175
11 Thursday 9:00-10:45 I-167 Computer science ИМ/МЕТ-12-4 Горбатова Л.В. Senior teacher
Saturday 14:05-14:55 I-120
12 Tuesday (Den) 13:10-14:55 I-120 Computer science ИМ/МЕТ-12-5 Горбатова Л.В. Senior teacher
Friday 15:05-16:50 I-228
13 Friday 13:10-14:55 I-236 Computer science ИМ/МАШ-12-4 Горбатова Л.В. Senior teacher
Saturday 15:05-15:55 I-120
14 Tuesday(Num) 13:10-14:00 I-120 Computer science ИМ/МАШ-12-5 Горбатова Л.В. Senior teacher
Monday 9:00-10:45 I-417
15 Tuesday (Num) 9:00-10:45 I-167 Computer science ГИ/ГД-12-4 Горбатова Л.В. Senior teacher
Friday 17:55-18:45 I-120
16 Tuesday 17:00-18:45 I-167 Computer science ГИ/ГД-12-5 Горбатова Л.В. Senior teacher
Saturday 16:00-16:50 I-183
17 Tuesday 17:00-18:45 I-120 Computer science ИМ/МАШ-12-3 Кадырова Л.Б. 


Friday (Num) 17:00-18:45 I-120
18 Thursday (Den) 13:10-14:55 I-120 Computer science ИЭ/ГМУ-12-1 Кадырова Л.Б. 


Saturday 9:00-10:55 I-177
19 Friday (Den) 17:00-18:45 I-120 Computer science ИЭ/СКС-12-1 Кадырова Л.Б. 


Saturday 17:00-18:45 I-177
20 Saturday 10:55-12:40 I-177 Computer science ИКТС/ВТ-12-1 Кадырова Л.Б. 


Saturday(Num) 13:10-14:55 I-177
21 Saturday(Den) 13:10-14:55 I-177 Computer science ИКТС/СИБ-12-1 Кадырова Л.Б. 


Saturday 15:05-16:50 I-179
22 Saturday 17:00-18:45 I-179 Computer science ГИ/ГПР-12-1 Кадирова Ж.Б. Senior teacher
Saturday(Num) 10:55-12:40 I-179
23 Saturday 13:10-14:55 I-179 Computer science ГИ/ГПР-12-2 Кадирова Ж.Б. Senior teacher
Monday (Den) 9:00-10:45 I-120
24 Thursday(Num) 10:55-12:40 I-423 Computer science ГИ/ГД-12-1 Кадирова Ж.Б. Senior teacher
Wednesday 17:00-18:45 I-120
25 Thursday(Den) 10:55-12:40 I-601 Computer science ГИ/ГД-12-2 Кадирова Ж.Б. Senior teacher
Tuesday 15:05-16:50 I-228
26 Thursday 17:00-18:45 I-173 Computer science ГИ/ГД-12-3 Кадирова Ж.Б. Senior teacher
Saturday(Num) 10:55-12:40 I-179
27 Monday(Num) 13:10-14:55 I-229 Computer science ГИ/ГИК-12-1 Кадирова Ж.Б. Senior teacher
Monday 17:00-18:45 I-120
28 Saturday 9:00-10:45 I-171 Computer science ГИ/БЖД-12-1 Сулеймен А.Е. teacher
Friday(Num) 13:10-14:55 I-203
29 Saturday(Den) 13:10-14:55 I-171 Computer science ГИ/БТ-12-1 Сулеймен А.Е. teacher
Saturday 15:05-16:50 I-171
30 Saturday 10:55-12:40 I-171 Computer science ГИ/ГМ-12-1 Сулеймен А.Е. teacher
Saturday(Num) 13:10-14:55 I-171
31 Friday(Den) 17:00-18:45 I-203 Computer science ИАС/С-12-1 Сулеймен А.Е. teacher
Saturday 17:00-18:45 I-171
32 Tuesday 10:55-12:40 I-601 Computer science ТДИ/ОП-12-2 Баржаксынова А.И. 

Senior teacher

Tuesday(Num) 17:00-18:45 I-183
33 Tuesday 15:05-16:50 I-229 Computer science ТДИ/ТТ-12-2 Баржаксынова А.И. 

Senior teacher

Tuesday(Den) 17:00-18:45 I-229
34 Monday 17:00-18:45 Main Building-200а Computer science ИАС/ДИЗ-12-2 Баймагамбетова Д.Ж. teacher
Wednesday(Num) 17:00-18:45 Main Building-200а
35 Monday 15:05-16:50 Main Building-200д Computer science ТДИ/ПСК-12-2 Баймагамбетова Д.Ж. teacher
Tuesday(Num) 15:05-16:50 I-423
36 Tuesday(Den) 15:05-16:50 I-423 Computer science ИТЭА/ЭЭ-12-1п Баймагамбетова Д.Ж. teacher
Tuesday 17:00-18:45 Main Building-200д
37 Thursday 17:00-18:45 I-173 Computer science ИЭ/СКС-12-2 Баймагамбетова Д.Ж. teacher
Friday(Num) 17:00-18:45 Main Building-200д
38 Friday(Den) 17:00-18:45 Main Building-200д Computer science ИАС/АРХ-12-2 Баймагамбетова Д.Ж. teacher
Friday 15:05-16:50 Main Building-200д
39 Thursday(Den) 15:05-16:50 I-419 Computer science ВТИПО-12-2 Мухамедиева Л.С. 


Thursday 17:00-18:45 I-120
40 Saturday 9:00-10:45 I-169 Computer science ИМ/МВ-12-1 Мухамедиева Л.С. 


Saturday(Num) 10:55-12:40 I-169
41 Saturday(Den) 10:55-12:40 I-169 Computer science ВТИПО-12-1 Мухамедиева Л.С. 


Saturday 13:10-14:55 I-169
42 Saturday 15:05-16:50 I-169 Computer science ИМ/МВ-12-1 Мухамедиева Л.С. 


Saturday(Num) 17:00-18:45 I-169
43 Monday 10:55-12:40 I-607 Computer science ИТЭА/ЭЭ-12-3 Лихачев В.В. 

c.t.s, docent

Wednesday(Num) 10:55-12:40 I-228
44 Monday(Den) 15:05-16:50 I-236 Computer science ИТЭА/АиУ-12-2 Лихачев В.В. 

c.t.s, docent

Tuesday 15:05-16:50 I-200
45 Tuesday(Den) 9:00-10:55 I-167 Computer science МВ-12-3 Лихачев В.В. 

c.t.s, docent

Saturday 9:00-10:55 I-179
46 Friday 14:05-14:55 I-423 Computer science ИТЭА/ТЭ-12-2 Лихачев В.В. 

c.t.s, docent

Friday 15:05-16:50 I-423
47 Saturday 10:55-12:40 I-167 Computer science ИАС/С-12-2 Лихачев В.В. 

c.t.s, docent

Saturday 13:10-14:55 I-167
48 Tuesday 15:05-16:50 I-417 Computer science ИЭ/Э-12-2 Сулейменова Л.К. 

Senior teacher

Thursday(Num) 10:55-12:40 I-229
49 Wednesday 15:05-16:50 I-229 Computer science ИЭ/УиА12-2 Сулейменова Л.К. 

Senior teacher

Thursday(Den) 10:55-12:40 Main Building-401
50 Monday 17:00-18:45 Main Building-200д Computer science ИТЭА/ЭЭ-12-2 Жаркимбекова А.Т. 

Senior teacher

Wednesday(Num) 17:00-18:45 Main Building-200б
51 Tuesday 17:00-18:45 I-181 Computer science ТДИ/ТТ-12-1 Жаркимбекова А.Т. 

Senior teacher

Saturday (Den) 10:55-12:40 I-181
52 Wednesday(Den) 17:00-18:45 Main Building-200б Computer science ИТЭА/ТЭ-12-1 Жаркимбекова А.Т. 

Senior teacher

Thursday 17:00-18:45 I-181
53 Friday 17:00-18:45 I-181 Computer science ТДИ/ОП-12-1 Жаркимбекова А.Т. 

Senior teacher

Saturday(Num) 10:55-12:40 I-181
54 Saturday 13:10-14:55 I-181 Computer science ИАС/АРХ-12-1 Жаркимбекова А.Т. 

Senior teacher

Saturday(Den) 15:05-16:50 I-181
55 Tuesday(Den) 17:00-18:45 Main Building-200а Computer science ИТЭА/АиУ-12-1 Мажитова Д.С. 

Senior teacher

Saturday 15:05-16:50 I-179
56 Saturday 13:10-14:45 Main Building-200а Computer science ИКТС/ПС-12-1 Мажитова Д.С. 

Senior teacher

Tuesday (Den) 17:00-18:45 I-203
57 Четверг 17:00-18:45 I-203 Computer science ВТИ/НВП-12-3 Мажитова Д.С. 

Senior teacher

Friday(Num) 17:00-18:45 I-171
58 Friday 15:05-16:50 I-203 Computer science ВТИ/НВП-12-4 Мажитова Д.С. 

Senior teacher

Friday (Den) 17:00-18:45 I-171
59 Friday 17:00-18:45 Main Building-200д Computer science ВТИПО-12-3 Султанова Т.Н. 

Senior teacher

Saturday(Num) 9:00-10:45 I-167
60 Saturday 10:55-12:40 I-183 Computer science ГИ/ГМ-12-2 Султанова Т.Н. 

Senior teacher

Saturday (Den) 9:00-10:45 I-167
61 Saturday 13:10-14:55 I-183 Computer science ГИ/ГПР-12-3 Султанова Т.Н. 

Senior teacher

Saturday (Den) 15:05-16:50 I-167
62 Saturday(Num) 15:05-16:50 I-167 Computer science ИКТС/ПС-12-2 Султанова Т.Н. 

Senior teacher

Saturday 17:00-18:45 I-167
63 Четверг 17:00-18:45 Main Building-410 Computer science ИМ/МАШ-12-1п Кан О.А. 

c.t.s, docent

Saturday(Den) 9:-00-10:45 Main Building-410
64 Monday 9:00-10:45 Main Building-410 Computer science ИМ/СТ-12-1п Кан О.А. 

c.t.s, docent

Saturday(Num) 9:00-10:45 Main Building-410
65 Tuesday 9:00-10:45 Main Building-410 Computer science ИКТС/ИС-12-1п Кан О.А. 

c.t.s, docent

Saturday(Num) 13:10-14:55 Main Building-410
66 Saturday 10:55-12:40 Main Building-410 Computer science ИКТС/ИС-12-2 Кан О.А. 

c.t.s, docent

Saturday(Den) 13:10-14:55 Main Building-410
67 Friday 17:00-18:45 1-175 Computer science ИКТС/ВТ-12-2 Кан О.А. 

c.t.s, docent

Saturday(Num) 15:05-16:50 Main Building-410
68 Wednesday 9:00-10:55 Main Building-300 Computer science ИКТС/СИБ-12-2 Кан О.А. 

c.t.s, docent

Saturday(Den) 15:05-16:50 Main Building-410