Institute of Advanced Training
1.1 Operation of electrical equipment
1.2 Dispatching at power plants
1.3 Repair and overlay of oil and air circuit breakers and other switching equipment
1.4 Relay protection and automation in electrical systems
1.5 Repair of high-voltage bushings
1.6 Energy saving in the fuel and energy complex, industries and the public utilities sector
1.7 Modernization of electrical equipment of substations
1.8 Methods of transmission and exchange of information
1.9 Energy saving in systems of the technological complex
1.10 Safety of maintenance of power equipment and technological processes
1.11 Network and infocommunication technologies
1.12 Relay protection and automation in power supply systems
1.13 Functions of operational personnel of electrical substations of 220 kV and above
1.14 Power supply of industrial enterprises
1.15 Operating modes of interregional and distribution electrical networks
1.16 Repair of electrical machines
1.17 Insulation and surge protection devices
1.18 Operation of high-voltage lines
1.19 Methods of diagnostics of substation equipment and electrical materials
1.20 Electric drive and automation of new mining machines
1.21 Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering
1.22 Electrification of underground mining operations
1.23 Electrical machines
1.24 Electric drive
1.25 Power supply of mines, production and development faces
1.26 Guaranteed and uninterruptible power supply system
1.27 Drawing up and calculating electrical circuits of production and development faces
1.28 Application of computers in power engineering
1.29 Maintenance of the electrical part of CNC machines
1.30 Maintenance of CNC machines and feed drives
2.1 Rules for blasting operations
2.2 Destruction of rocks by blasting
2.3 Geomechanical monitoring of side massifs
2.4 Assessment and calculation of stability of mine workings
2.5 Blasting
2.6 Beneficiation of ores of ferrous metallurgy enterprises
2.7 Organization of repairs of mining and processing equipment
2.8 Industrial ecology
2.9 Rules for ensuring industrial safety for hazardous production facilities conducting blasting operations
2.10 Fire safety
2.11 Occupational safety and health (by industry)
2.12 Industrial safety (by industry)
2.13 Quality management in ore mining by geophysical methods
2.14 Mining machines and equipment for the mining industry
2.15 Designs and technologies for the construction of anchor support at mining enterprises
2.16 Management of geomechanical processes in open and underground mining
2.17 Geological sampling of mineral raw materials
2.18 Geophysical sampling of mineral raw materials
2.19 Studying the geomechanical state of rocks and substantiation of parameters for the extraction of minerals at great depths
2.20 Use of aerial photography to assess the impact of subsidence of the earth’s surface
2.21 Development of a system for monitoring stability of quarry edge massifs and dumps based on instrumental observations
2.22 Welding production in the oil and gas industry
2.23 Welding production in mining
2.24 Fundamentals of geophysical methods for studying oil and gas wells
2.25 Current research, control and planning of wells during GTM
2.26 Dressing of minerals
2.27 Methods of combating sulfur-containing gases in underground mining operations
2.28 Risk factors and sources of danger at industrial enterprises (mining, mechanical engineering and metallurgy)
2.29 Criterion for ensuring safe working conditions in industrial enterprises (oil and gas, mining and metallurgy)
2.30 Chemical materials in the development of mineral deposits
3.1 Technologies and means of processing raw materials and recycling waste from the mining and metallurgical complex
3.2 Structural studies of structural materials for the mining and metallurgical industry and mechanical engineering
3.3 Automation and monitoring of technological processes in the mining and metallurgical complex
3.4 Information systems for transmitting and processing data in the development of mineral deposits
3.5 Semi-automatic welding
3.6 Manual arc welding of pipeline units
3.7 Standardization, certification and metrological support
3.8 Skip pneumatic hoists – a new type of transport for mines and quarries
3.9 Hydraulic drive and hydraulic equipment of new mining machines
3.10 Hoisting machines, main ventilation fans
3.11 Mine transport (rail, conveyor, overhead)
3.12 Study of foreign and new mining equipment (cutting and tunneling machines, conveyors scraper and belt)
3.13 Automation and robotization of industrial equipment
3.14 Molding equipment and foundry technology
3.15 Quality assessment of mining machines
3.16 Metal science
3.17 Problems of materials science and technologies of new materials
3.18 Certification of materials and equipment
3.19 Radiography and electron microscopy in metal and materials science
3.20 Methods of studying materials and their certification
3.21 Management of structural transformations and diversification of the machine-building complex
3.22 Equipment and technology of welding production
3.23 Non-destructive methods of materials testing
3.24 Automation of technological processes using microprocessor technology
3.25 Argon arc welding
3.26 CAD\CAM\CAE design in the SolidWorks environment
3.27 CAD\CAM\CAE design in the NX environment
3.28 Programming on machines with numerical control CNC (Siemens Sinumerik, Fanuc)
3.29 Mechanical engineering technology, metal-cutting machines and tools
3.30 Metal science and heat treatment of metals
3.31 Materials science and technology of materials
3.32 Machines and technology of foundry production
3.33 Metrology and metrological support
3.34 Standardization, metrology and certification
3.35 Standardization and certification
3.36 LS XG5000 – Controller configuration
3.37 Basics electric drive with practical training at the LS Electric stand. Basic course
4.1 New construction technologies and materials
4.2 Construction in special conditions
4.3 Modern means of mechanization of construction works
4.4 Production of new construction materials
4.5 Metal structures of power and hydraulic structures, industrial buildings and structures for various purposes
4.6 Inspection and testing of structures of buildings and structures
4.7 Organization and implementation of technical supervision of the condition of buildings and structures
4.8 General construction and finishing works
4.9 Welding production in construction and installation works
4.10 New technologies of monolithic housing construction
4.11 Special works
4.12 External finishing works and insulation of facades
4.13 Attic construction
4.14 Waterproofing and roofing works
4.15 Engineering and geological surveys for construction
4.16 Technical operation and repair of buildings, structures
4.17 Technical expertise of the condition of buildings and structures
4.18 Design of architectural environment
4.19 Architecture and design
4.20 Interior design
4.21 Landscape architecture
4.22 Modern technologies for the production of concrete, reinforced concrete products and structures for the construction industry
4.23 Monitoring of buildings and structures during construction and operation
4.24 Construction expertise, technical survey, supervision and assessment of conformity of construction of buildings and structures
4.25 Design and construction expertise of high-rise and technically complex objects (subject to and not subject to seismic impact)
4.26 Technical operation, comprehensive survey, restoration and reconstruction of buildings and structures
4.27 Buildings and equipment of thermal power plants
4.28 Construction and operation of fiber-optic communication lines
4.29 Construction of thermal and nuclear power plants
4.30 Construction of highways and airfields
5.1 Improving the efficiency of production processes of motor transport enterprises
5.2 New in the operation of cars
5.3 Modern methods of ensuring the organization and safety of road traffic
5.4 Commercialization of technology development and creation of equipment
5.5 Vehicle and the automobile industry
5.6 Bridges and transport tunnels
5.7 Organization of transportation and management
5.8 Organization of road traffic
5.9 Lifting and transport, construction, road machines and equipment
5.10 Management of operational work
5.11 Fundamentals of designing transport devices and structures
5.12 Rules for the technical operation and safety of transport
5.13 Unified transport system
5.14 Management systems in transport
5.15 Modern technologies in the organization of transportation
5.16 Technology for the development of transport schemes
5.17 Special course in conveyor transport
5.18 Forecasting, development and assessment of the competitiveness of vehicles
5.19 Underground automobile transport
5.20 Automobile transport on quarries
5.21 Automobile transport in road construction
5.22 Rail transport
5.23 Welding production in automobile and rail transport
6.1 Strategic management
6.2 Culture of management thinking and activity
6.3 Theory of entrepreneurial activity
6.4 Design and adoption of management decisions
6.5 Enterprise finances
6.6 Strategic management
6.7 Financial and tax accounting
6.8 Practical marketing and sales management
6.9 Professional manager
6.10 Investment projects: Development. Management. Analysis
6.11 Methods and tools of financial analysis
6.12 Financial management
6.13 PUBLIC RELATIONS and marketing
6.14 Financial and management accounting
6.15 Personnel training and development
6.16 Operational management
6.17 Marketing strategies
6.18 Marketing management
6.19 Logistics
6.20 Construction management
6.21 Management in education
6.22 State and local government
6.23 Management
6.24 Marketing
6.25 Accounting and audit
6.26 Economics (by industry)
6.27 Theoretical and activity-based and economic analysis of regulatory legal acts
6.28 Business planning for enterprises
6.29 Operational issues of personnel management
6.30 Management accounting
6.31 Assessment of collateral property
6.32 Marketing demand forecasting
6.33 Innovation management
6.34 Situational management
6.35 Finance for the manager
7.1 Fundamentals of law
7.2 Fundamentals of anti-corruption culture
7.3 Philosophy of success
7.4 Team building (Psychological trainings)
7.5 Sociological research (Sociology of labor)
7.6 Law