The Council of Rectors of Kazakhstan started its work

The Council of rectors of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan was established in order to coordinate the activities of universities on the development of higher and postgraduate education, compilation and dissemination of positive experience in the organization of educational process, research work, training of scientific and pedagogical staff and other workers, improvement of the higher education system, ensure the country’s needs in qualified specialists, as well as social support and protection of members of University teams.


The main activities of the Council are:


1) develop recommendations to identify common approaches and policies in higher education, aimed at further improvement of the educational process, the development of science and improvement of material-technical base;


2) development of normative legal acts in the field of higher and postgraduate education;


3) development of proposals for the development of higher and postgraduate education based on the needs of the economy, availability of labor resources and rational allocation of educational institutions, specialties and areas of training in higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan;


4) promotion of academic mobility of students and scientific-pedagogical workers, the development of integration of higher educational establishments and scientific institutions in the field of training, retraining and advanced training of specialists and scientific research;


5) strengthening ties between the universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan with commercial and noncommercial organizations for practical training of students, employment of graduates;


6) coordinating the activities of universities vocational guidance and work with talented young people;


7) development of measures and proposals for the development of universities, to improve the social situation of students, undergraduates, doctoral students, teachers and other staff of higher education institutions;

8) contribute to the strengthening and development of direct international links in higher education;

9) the examination of draft normative acts concerning higher and postgraduate education on behalf of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

10) liaison with branch academies, associations of higher education institutions, employers ‘ associations, trade unions, foundations;

11) promotion the social status of rectors and other executives of higher education institutions;

12) provision of Advisory and information services to enterprises, institutions, organizations and citizens on the activities of the higher school.

A decree on the establishment of the Council of rectors of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan

The Statute of the Council of rectors of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan 

The composition of the Council of rectors of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan 

The minutes of the meeting of the Council of rectors of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan (№1) 



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Tel: +7 (7172) 709500 int. 31208

Information taken from the website of the Eurasian national University

