Kulikov, VitalyHead ofDepartment,Ph.D., AssociateIn1998 honored graduate of KSTU in “Machines and Foundry Technology.” Published 200 scientific publications, including 20 patents, 3 monographs. Corresponding member of the International Academy of Information. State grant laureate “The best teacher of high school in 2008.” Winner of the State grant for young and talented scientists. |
Isagulov Aristotle Zeynullinovich
Ph.D., Professor
In 1976 honoured graduate of KSTU. Published 676 scientific papers, including 120 patents , 16 books , 15 books , 65 books and manuals. Supervised 3 doctors, 18 candidates , 1 PhD, 42 Masters . KazNAS, International Academy of Information, AN MSC Academician. Laureate of Lenin Komsomol of Kazakhstan, inventor of the USSR, the best inventor of the Karaganda region. He was awarded gold, silver and bronze medals and diplomas of the USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements of 1 degree of Kazakhstan “Honorary Worker of Education ,” medal “10 years of Kazakhstan Constitution” the best inventor of the Republic of Kazakhstan , the medal “S. Altynsarin”. For merits in the science of the Republic of Kazakhstan ” medal, ” Eren enbegi ushin ” silver medal . A.Baitursynov for the best textbook . Winner of the contest ” Zamandas ” in the ” Pride of science” and was awarded the medal “20 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan .” The owner of the state scientific scholarship for scientists who have made outstanding contributions to the development of science and technology of the Republic of Kazakhstan .
Tolimbekov Manat GaksibergenovichPh.D., ProfessorMember correspondent of MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Director of RSE NC CPMRM RK CMI n.a. Zh Abishev. General Director INGOs “Metallurgy”. |
Manzhurin Ivan Petrovich
Ph.D., Professor
In 1965, he graduated with a degree of KSTU “Metal Forming” with honors. Corresponding member of the IAI. Author of more than 120 scientific publications and 15 electronic teaching aids. Awarded by “Excellence in Education of the USSR”, “Excellence in Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Veteran of Labour”. |
Isin Daulet Kalykovich
Ph.D., Associate
In 1966 he graduated from KarPTI majoring in “Foundry production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals”. Academician of the International academy of Informatization. Within four years at Annabinsky university (Algeria) gave lectures to students in French. Twice owner of the state grant “The best teacher of higher education institution”. The author of 20 textbooks, is awarded by a medal of A.Baytursynov for preparation of educational literature.
Gykebaeva Tylesha Gykebaevna
Ph.D., Associate
In 1963 she graduated with a degree of KarPTI “Ferrous metals”. Author of more than 100 educational and scientific works. She was awarded the medal “For labor valor” (1976), “Veteran of Labour” (1995), RK diplomas, mayor diplomas. |
Kipnis Lev Semenovish
Ph.D., Associate
In 1960 he graduated from the Odessa Polytechnic Institute, “Machinery and Foundry Technology.” Works in KSTU since 1964. Author of more than 100 scientific and methodical works and inventions.
Konynnikova Svetlana Gavrilovna
C.t.s., Associate Professor
In 1966 she graduated from the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute (KarPTI) in “Foundry of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.” In 1975, at the same institute successfully completed post-graduate studies with the defense of a thesis in “Foundry of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys.” Author of more than 90 scientific and educational works.
Dahno larisa Antonovna
C.t.s., Associate Professor
In 1968 she graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk metallurgical institute majoring in “Physical and chemical research of metallurgical processes”. In 1976 she completed postgraduate study of the same institute with defense of the master’s thesis in “Metallurgical science and heat treatment of metals”. Author of more than 170 names of scientific and educational and methodical works.
Kvon Svetlana Sergevna
C.t.s., Associate Professor
She was educated at the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys “Physical and chemical studies of metallurgical processes. “Successfully completed her graduate studies at the same institute with the defense of a thesis in “Ferrous metals”. Has worked in KSTU from 1989. Author of more than 90 scientific and educational works. Passed scientific training at Ecole des Mines (France).
Ashkeev Gasulan Amangolovish
C.t.s., Associate Professor
In 1990 he graduated from TECHNICAL university plant at KARMK majoring in “Processing of metals by pressure”. He finished postgraduate study of the same institute as “A mechanic of a solid deformable body” with successful protection of the master’s thesis. He is the author of about 100 scientific and methodical works and patents.
Syltanmyrat Gylmira Icatylaevna
C.t.s., Associate Professor
In 1993 she graduated with a degree of KarMetI “Foundry of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.” Has worked in KSTU since 2008. Author of more than 55 scientific and methodical works, including 12 guidelines in the state language . Among the works dedicated “Russian-Kazakh Dictionary of terms for metallurgy and metal forming.” She was awarded the Diploma of the mayor of Karaganda region for active participation in the socio – political and personal life of labor and creative contribution to the construction of new Kazakh society.
Tverdochlebov Nikolai Ivanovich
C.t.s., Art. Teacher
Chief designer of LLP “KMW n.a. Parkhomenko”. Area of scientific researches is “Molding on gasifiable models”.
Sarkenov Berik Besenovish
C.t.s., Art. Teacher
He graduated in 1983 from the Karaganda state university n.a. E.A.Buketov on specialization of “The physicist of a solid body”. Was trainee in postgraduate study of ChMI NAS RK. In KSTU has worked since 2008. Author of more than 25 scientific works, including 1 monographs. Executive of two RK and MINT RK MAUN grant scientific projects.
Malashkevishite Elena Iozasovna
Art. Teacher
In 1989 she graduated from Karaganda Polytechnic Institute “Machinery and Foundry Technology.” In 2007 graduated with the Master degree in “Mechanical Engineering”. Co-author of more than 45 scientific and methodical works.
Shari Vladimir Ilish
Art. Teacher
In 1977, he graduated with a degree of KarPTI “Foundry of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.” Author of more than 40 scientific and methodical works. He was awarded the diploma of the mayor n.a.“Kazybek bi.”
Bykanov Ganat Ymirtaevish
Art. Teacher
In 1995 graduated from Karaganda Polytechnic Institute, “Machinery and Technology foundry.” In 2007, graduated with master degree in “Metallurgy”. Author of more than 30 scientific papers and 5 guidelines.
Bahridenova Diana BekbolatovnaAssistantIn2010 graduated with honors with a degree of KSIU in “Metallurgy”. In 2012 graduated with honors with master degree of KSIU in “Metallurgy”. In KSTU works since 2012. Author of 3 publications. |
Tylegenova Sholpan Nigmetovna
Art. Teacher
She graduated in 1988 from Karaganda Polytechnic Institute “Technology of mechanical engineering, machine tools and instruments”, in 2012 successfully graduated with Master degree in “Metallurgy”. Author of more than 45 scientific papers and 2 patents.
Medvedeva Irina Evgenevna
Art. Teacher
In 1983 she graduated from Karaganda Polytechnic Institute “Foundry”. In KSTU has worked since 2003. Author of 40 scientific publications, including 3 patents.
Lisickaia Svetlana Ivanovna
Art. Teacher
Ydakova Valeria Aleksandrovna
Art. Teacher
In 1995 graduated with degree of KarPTI “Industrial and civil construction”, in 2005, gained second degree in “Materials Science and Technology of New Materials”, in 2008 graduated with Master degree in the same specialty, and now do her doctorate study at the Department of MM and N. Author of more than 40 scientific papers, including 6 patents.
Aitkenov Nyrbek Bolatovish
Art. Teacher
Graduated in 2005 from Karaganda State University n.a. E.A. Buketov in “Ecology”, in 2009, graduated with MA in – «Ecology». He is the author of several textbooks, electronic textbooks, guidelines.
Platonova Elena Sergevna
Art. Teacher
In 1991 graduated from Kazakh Polytechnic Institute with an academic degree engineer-metallurgist in “metallurgy, equipment and technology of heat treatment of metals.” In KSTU since 2005. In 2012 graduated and gained an academic master degree “Master of Engineering and Technology in Materials Science and technology of new materials.” Currently enrolled in doctoral programs in “Mechanical Engineering”.
Sidorina Elena Anatolevna
In 2001 graduated from Karaganda State Technical University, “Production of building structures”, in 2009, gained second degree in specialty 050710 “Materials Science and Technology of New Materials”, in 2011, was admitted to the Master degree in “Materials Science and Technology of New Materials. “Author of 4 textbooks, 3 e-books, 3 guidelines.
Azbanbaev Aldar Muratovisn
Teacher, doktorant
In 2011 graduated Karaganda State Industrial University, with Master degree specializing in “Mechanical Engineering”. Winner of first place for the best research paper of the international scientific – practical conference of the Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia. In 2012, he entered PhD stuudy in KSTU. Author of 15 scientific papers, including one patent. Fellow international program Erasmus Mundus Action 2 ARCADE. Was an intern at the Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy.
Isagylova Diana Aristotelevna
Teacher, doktorant
Sherbakova Elena Petrovna
Teacher, doktorant
In 2007, she graduated from Karaganda State Technical University, “Materials science and technology of new materials.” In 2010, she graduated from the Masters in the same department, is currently a doctoral student of the department of MMandN. Author of about 40 scientific works, including 2 monographs, 2 manuals, 6 patents.
Karakeeva Gylgan Ermekovna
Teacher, doktorant
Zholdubayeva Zhumagul Dyusenbayevnamaster of tech. sciences, senior lecturer
In 2007 graduated with degree of KSTU “Materials science and technology of new materials.” In 2009, she successfully completed MA in the same specialty. In 2011, she entered the doctoral program in “Metallurgy”. At the moment – doctoral student, has more than 30 scientific papers, including 3 patents.
Kysganova Altinai
In 2009, graduated from Karaganda State Technical University, specialty “050710 Materials and TNM”, in 2012 she graduated with Master degree in the same specialty, has 20 scientific papers. In 2011, participated in the international conference «Education without borders 2011″, in June 2011, has undergone training in the “Prague Development Center.”
Dosimbekova Aigyl Kaldibaevna
Training Master
Educational master. In 2003 she graduated from mathematical faculty of the Karaganda state university named after E.A. Buketov. In 2007 received a second degree in Karaganda Economic University “Kazpotrebsoyuz.” Since 2007, the educational master of the department.
Smagylova Gyldis Bolatovna
Master’s degree, Assistant
In 2007 she graduated from Karaganda State Technical University with bachelor degree in “Materials and technology of new materials.” She is currently a master student of the department. List of publications includes more than 20 items of scientific and educational works.
Kovaleva Tatjna Viktorovna
Master’s degree, Assistant
In 2010, graduated from KSTU in “Materials science and technology of new materials.” She has about 20 scientific papers, including one monograph (co-author), three patents.
Mangurina Natali Konstantinovna
Aitbaev Nurlan Berikuly
In 2011 I became a distinctive graduate of Karaganda State Technical University specializing in Metallurgy 5B070900, in 2013 with the same specialty “Metallurgy” I earned my master degree. I’m the author of 10 publications, in 2013 gained my second graduate degree in 5B051000 “State and local administration”. From 17.04.2012-28.04.2012 I spent the internship in UD RAS Institute, Yekaterinburg, Russia.