of scientific and methodical works of
for 2009-2011
Chemical natural connection. – 2009. – №1. – P.56-58. (Chemistry of Natural Compounds. – 2009.- Vol. 45, № 1.-Р. 66-68)
Кулаков И.В.Нуркенов О.А. Турдыбеков Д.М. Айнабаев А.А. Турдыбеков К.М.Teaching aid. Аlmaty: Bilim, 2010. – 740 p.740
Егоров В.В.,Исин Д.Қ.
№№ пп |
Name | Kind of work | Publishing house, magazine (name, number, year) or Copyright certificate number | Quantity of pages | Last names of co-authors |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
1 | Methane: the challenges of the real world | collection | The information-analytical collection.– Каraganda: KSTU publisher, 2009. – 39 p. | 39 | |
2 | Synthesis and crystal structure of cytisine-N – (2-hydroxyethyl) thiocarbamide | article | |||
3 | Synthesis of heterocyclic alkaloid derivatives of cytisine and their computer bioforecast | article | Report’s theses. “Actual problems of natural connections’ chemistry “. – Tashkent, 2009. – P. 322. 1 |
Кулаков И.В. Исабаева Г.М. Фазылов С.Д. | |
4 | Application of microwave activation in synthesis of known preparations of calcium channels’ blockers | article | Works of the International scientific-practical conference «Science and its role in the modern world». – Каraganda, 2009. – P. 424-429 | 6 | Сулейменова А.А. Хрусталев Д.П. Фазылов С.Д. Мулдахметов З.М. |
5 | Features of oxidizing process course in a microwave field | article | Works of the International scientific-practical conference « Science and its role in the modern world ». – Каraganda, 2009. – P.429-435. | 7 | Khamzina G.T. Khrustalev D.P. Fazylov S.D. Muldahmetov Z.M. |
6 | Technological and chemical processes of machine building | Teaching aid | |||
7 | Technological and chemical processes of machine building production | Teaching aid | Teaching aid / – Аlmaty: Bilim, 2010. – 728 p. | 728 | Yegorov V.V., Stupnikov V.P. Isin D.K. |
8 | General metallurgy | Teaching aid | Teaching aid – Аlmaty: Bilim, 2010. – 775 p. | 775 | Yegorov V.V., Isin D.K. |
9 | General metallurgy | Teaching aid | Teaching aid / – Аlmaty: Bilim, 2010. – 781 p. | 781 | Yegorov V.V., Isin D.K. |
10 | Technological and physical-chemical processes of foundry production | Teaching aid | Teaching aid / – Аlmaty: Bilim, 2010. – 698 p. | 698 | Rybkin V.A., Yegorov V.V., |
11 | Technological and physical-chemical processes of foundry production | Teaching aid | Teaching aid / – Аlmaty: Bilim, 2010.- 687 p. | 687 | Rybkin V.A., Yegorov V.V., Isin D.K. |
12 | Geophysical researches of coal layers | monography | Monography. Karaganda State Technical University. – Каraganda: KSTU publisher, 2010. 254 p. | 254 | Kenzhin B.M. Smirnov Yu.M. |
13 | Professional education of students of technical university at studying of humanitarian disciplines (on the example of history of Kazakhstan) | monography | Monography. – Аlmaty: Bilim, 2010. – 218 p. | 218 | Ferkho S.I. Ogoltcova E.G. |
14 | Progressive technological decisions of extraction and transportation of methane | monography | monography. – Karaganda, The publishing-polygraphic center of Kazakhstan- Russian University – 2010 – 204p. | 204 | Portnov V.S. Tatkeeva G.G. |
15 | The probable mechanism of anabasine oxidation with peroxide of hydrogen in the conditions of microwave activation | article | Works of the International conference “Science and education – the leading factor of strategy “Kazakhstan-2030”, Saginov readings-2, June 24-26, 2010. Part 5 – P.242-244 | 3 | Khrustalev D.P. |
16 | Influence of orientation-polarizing effect of microwave irradiation on an example of Bidzhinelli’s reaction | article | Works of the International conference “Science and education – the leading factor of strategy “Kazakhstan-2030”, Saginov readings-2, June 24-26, 2010. Part 5 P. 297-301 | 5 | Khrustalev D.P. |
17 | Gazaliyev A.M., Synthesis of thiourea derivatives of 1,3,5-trimethyl-4-aminomethyl pyrazole | article | Works of the International conference “Science and education – the leading factor of strategy “Kazakhstan-2030”, Saginov readings-2, June 24-26, 2010. Part 5 P. 231-233. | 3 | Isabayeva M.B. Ibrayev M.K. Yeskaliyev A.S. Zhakupova A.S |
18 | Synthesis of nitrophenyl-containing 1,3-thiazolines-2-thiones by oxirane opening reaction with some dithiocarbamates | article | Chemistry of heterocyclic compounds. –2010. –№ 4. –P. 618-623 (Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds. –2010. – Vol. 46, № 4. –p. 490-494). | 6 | Kulakov I.V. Nurkenov O.A. Turdybekov D.M. |
19 | Analysis of the mechanism of formation of 1,3,5-triazine-5-thiones | article | Izvestiya NТО «КАHАК», № 4(29). Аlmaty. 2010. – P.55-60 | 6 | Khrustalev D.P. Isabayeva M.B. Ibatayev Zh.A. Ibrayev M.K. |
20 | The synthesis of alkyl derivatives of 1,3,5-trimethyl-4-amino methyl pyrazole dithio carbamate acids. | article | Izvestiya NТО «КАHАК», № 3(28). Аlmaty. 2010. – P.24-25 | 2 | Isabayeva M.B. Ibrayev M.K. Yeskaliyev A.S. |
21 | Synthesis of new biologically active connections on a basis of benzimidazole and benztiazol | article | Works of the International conference “Science and education – the leading factor of strategy “Kazakhstan-2030”, Saginov readings-2, June 24-26, 2010. – P. 233-236 | 4 | Isabayeva M.B. Ibrayev M.K. Kokzalova B.Z. |
22 | Sulphate and amino acids in the synthesis of triazine | article | Works of the International conference “Science and education – the leading factor of strategy “Kazakhstan-2030”, Saginov readings-2, June 24-26, 2010. – P. 236-239 | 4 | Isabayeva M.B. Ibatayev Zh.A. Ibrayev M.K. Маlybayeva М.К. |
23 | New potentially bioactive derivatives on a basis of pyrazole and biogenic amines | article | Almanah sovremennoy nauki i obrazovaniya (Almanac of modern science and education). Tambov, 2010. № 9(40) – P. 59-60 | 2 | Isabayeva M.B. Ibatayev Zh.A. Yeskaliyev A.S. Ibrayev M.K. |
24 | Interaction reaction of monotioksamid with α-galogenketon with formation of thiazoles | article | Reports of the NAS RK. “Chemistry and technology”. 2010. № 3. -P.44-46 | 3 | Zhurinov M.Zh. Bakbardina О.V. Ibrayev M.K. |
25 | Synthesis of thiourea and thiazolium derivatives of pyrazole | article | Reports of the NAS RK. “Chemistry”. 2010. № 5. -P.27-28 | 2 | Zhurinov M.Zh. Isabayeva M.B. Bakbardina О.V. Ibrayev M.K. Yeskaliyev A.S. |
26 | Training of students of technical programmes in bachelor degree | article | Higher education in Russia. MES RF. 2010. № 3. – P.138-142. | 5 | Yegorov V.V., Breido I.V. |
27 | Efficiency of estimation rating system of activity of teachers and university’s departments | article | Higher education today (Reviewed edition HАС of Russia in the field of psychology, pedagogics and sociology). 2010. № 4. – P.11-15 | 5 | Yegorov V.V., Breido I.V. |
28 | Realization prospects of MS’c programs and programs of professional training with issuance of double diplomas in the framework of pilot projects of Shanghai organization of cooperation University. | article | Higher education today (Reviewed edition HАС of Russia in the field of psychology, pedagogics and sociology). 2010. № 10. – P.6-9 | 4 | Yegorov V.V., Breido I.V. |
29 | The higher school in a context of Bologna process. | article | The higher school bulletin Alma mater. – 2011. – №6. – Р. 12-19. | 8 | Pak Yu.N. |
30 | Estimation of knowledge of students of technical university: the scientific edition | article | Academic Board. – 2011. – № 3. – P. 10-15. | 6 | Yegorov V.V., Abdygalikova G.A |
31 | The statistical analysis of mathematical preparation of technical university’s students | article | The Rector of the university.- 2011. – № 3. | 8 | Yegorov V.V., Abdygalikova G.A |
32 | Synthesis of nitrogen containing substances in the conditions of microwave activation | monography | Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011. – 354 p. | 354 | Khrustalev D.P. |