Round table as part of the decisions of the Message

On February 9, a meeting dedicated to the tasks put forward in the fourth paragraph of the President’s address, “Third modernization of the country” was held. There were: First Vice-rector of KSTU Aristotel Zeinullinovich Issagulov, Vice-rector on Educational work of the university Nazym Amangaziyevna Alpyssbayeva and other representatives of the administration of KSTU and members of the student youth movement “Zhas Orda” as well.

The pupils of school № 58 – members of the children’s organization “Zhas Orda” and director Tatyana Vladimirovna Balgabekova attended the meeting to discuss the issues of the Message and become familiar to the spirit of the university. The meeting was held in a round table format.

In his speech, Aristotel Zeinullinovich told the students about the deep spiritual connection between our President and KSTU – “Alma mater” of the leader. In his speech, First Vice-rector also pointed out the need of aspire to join public life and to benefit our country from the early age. New trends that have emerged in the perspective of the tasks set in the new Message were pointed out.

Director of school № 58 noted the importance and relevance of such meetings. “The partnership between KSTU and us has a long history. We created the organization “Zhas Orda” at our school, following the example and under the patronage of your student organization. This allows our students to actively feel their civil position, participate in various humanitarian programs, to join the university life in school years and discover new horizons” – Tatyana Vladimirovna said.

The speech keynote of Vice-rector on Educational work Nazym Amangaziyeva Alpyssbaeva was the idea of continuity between higher and secondary education and the need of the continuity for each of the participants in particular and for the whole educational system in general. She pointed out the immediate tasks that confront us with decisions taken by the President in his new message to the people of Kazakhstan.

Also she expressed her opinion on participation in the movement “Zhas Orda” and the mutual benefits of this cooperation. During the meeting a memorandum on cooperation and partnership between the school organization “Zhas Orda” and the University was signed.
