Republican student aitys “Өлең – сөздің патшасы”, dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev

On February 28, 2020, the department of Kazakh Language and Culture held the republican student aitys “Өлең – сөздің патшасы” at Karaganda State Technical University, which was dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the great akyn of the Kazakh people Abay Kunanbayev.

The host of the republican aitys was a senior teacher of the department of Kazakh Language and Culture, master of pedagogical sciences Abilkasov Gabiden Mazhitovich.

Chairman of the jury:

Altayev Amanzhol Duisenbaiuly – doctor of philological sciences, professor of L.N. Gumilyov ENU;

The jury members of the student republican aitys:

  1. Maksutov Kuanysh Mazhikenuly a poet, the laureate of international and republican aitys festivals;
  2. Asanov Koilybai Dauletkhanuly  doctor of philological sciences, professor of E.A. Buketov KSU, one of the scientists who was the first to defend a thesison the topic “ Ақындар айтысы”;
  3. Asan Miras Bolatuly –a poet, the head of the department “Мәдениет және руханият” of the republican newspaper “Егемен Қазақстан”, the laureate of festival «Шабыт»;
  4. Kami Didar – an akyn, winner of the republican project “Екі жұлдыз”and international aitys.

The purpose of the event:  propaganda of the folk art of aitys and the work of the poet, the great akyn Abay Kunanbayev among young people, introducing students to the richness and beauty of the Kazakh language, the great history and spiritual heritage of their people.

18 akyns from different regions of Kazakhstan participated in the republican student aitys.

By the result of the republican aitys “Өлең – сөздің патшасы” the following were awarded:

Grand Prix (250 000 tenge) was won by a student of KSTU, group АиУ -17-1, Botpai Doskei;

І place (150 000 tenge) was deservedly won by a student of Kazakh National University of Art, Manarbekova Akbota;

II place (100 000 tenge) was won by a student of KSTU, group БТ-17-2,  Ospanov Bekarys;

ІІІ place (70 000 tenge) was won by a student of Kainar Academy, Apuazhanov Zhaksylyk;

A special prize of the dean of the faculty of Architecture and Construction, Imanov M.O. (20 000 tenge and a picture) was awarded to a student of  S. Amanzholov EKSU, Maratbekova Zhuldyzai;

Ospangaliyeva M.T., the deputy dean for educational work of the faculty of Transport and Road awarded a special prize to a student of S. Amanzholov EKSU, Maratbekova Zhuldyzai (20 000 tenge) and a student of Kazakh National University of Arts, Manarbekova Akbota (20 000 tenge).

Ibatov M.K., rector of KSTU awarded gratitude letters to all jury members, aitys participants and 14 akyns who did not win prizes, were awarded consolation prizes (20,000 tenge).

Congratulations to all the winners! We wish you new victories!!!
