Public procurement by way from one source 2015 год

public procurement of gasoline AI -80

public procurement of gasoline and oil.winter fuel

public procurement of gasoline and diesel fuel

public procurement of furniture

public procurement of works on reloading powder fire extinguishers “ODU-s”

public procurement of works on current repair of building № 5

public procurement of works on current repair of dormitory № 1, CDM and building № 2

public procurement the development of the corporate network of the University

public procurement of consumables for printing and copying workshop

public procurement of construction and repair, sanitary works in the building №1. Landscaping

public procurement of services of access to the Internet with the administration

public procurement of services on modernization of computer equipment by replacement of components

public procurement of services for the creation of a new virtualization environment for websites

public procurement of services for maintenance of the laser machine, lathe and milling machine

public procurement of services on technical servicing of air conditioning systems

public procurement of services for maintenance of the alarm button

public procurement of services of specialized security services

public procurement of technical services and maintenance of computer equipment, office equipment and LAN

public procurement of technical services and maintenance printing and duplicating Studio

public procurement of anti-virus software on 1500 workstations and 2 servers renewal for 1 year

public procurement of software licenses

Public procurement of furniture

Public procurement of equipment for language laboratory

Public procurement of services on acquisition of additional access points

Public procurement of consumables for printing and copying workshop
