Students of “Chemistry and chemical technology” Department celebrated Nauryz – spring holiday

On March 14, students of the Department “Chemistry and chemical technologies” of the faculty of Innovative Technologies celebrated the holiday of spring and nature renewal in KSTU being of the first. The celebration day coincided with the ancient festival of unusual holiday of Kazakhs “Korisu ait or Amal” (literal translation – “to see”). This day people visit each other, shake hands and say: “Happy last year!”.

The scene in the Palace of Youth “Zhastar alemi” was specially bright and colourful. Students prepared shanyrak and decoration of the yurt on their own. They organized a real “shashu” – musical-dramatized representation “Armysyn, az Nauryz!” with the participation of singers, dombra players, well-dressed girls in national dresses, tables with the main ritual dish of this festival – Nauryz-kozhe!

Students performed folk songs and dances, modern musical works of the Kazakh composers and prominent authors. They demonstrated national ceremonies “Besikke salu”, “Tusau kesu”, participated in national games and sports “Arkan tartu”, “Kush synasu”.

Guests were offered to taste Nauryz-kozhe, baursaks and other Kazakh national dishes.

At the end of the festival, the organizers and participants of the concert were awarded with letters of thanks on behalf of the Dean of the faculty of innovative technologies Gulfarida Yergaliyevna Samashova.

— Every nation has traditions and customs passed from older generations to the younger from century to century. These values have the most positive impact on the education of the best personal qualities of the person. March is a holiday of renewal and rebirth of nature, the embodiment of the traditions and customs of our ancestors. March is always celebrated with a particular mindset in our University. Let this holiday come to our homes with good spring sunny mood, generous dastarkhan and joy!
