Object of OEPD is to provide preparation of specialists with higher education in accordance with GOSO, agreeable to standards of the labour market and necessity of all round development on the base of maintaining high level of organizational, educational-methodical activity with effective use of resources.
The main directions of OEPD is analysis of processes occurring in the field of education, the identification of tendencies of its development taking into account new scientific and technological achievements, development of curriculum of specialties in accordance with the requirements of state compulsory standards of education and professional-educational programmes; participation in formation of state departments by qualified professorial-teaching staff and teaching and support staff, search of new educational technologies; information support of the educational process; control of providing laboratories and departments with modern electronic media, audiovisual and technical means of teaching, programme, informational and methodical resources, also automated systems of educational purposes; organization of professional practice of students and study guide of it; organization of scholarship providing of students; storage, processing and monitoring of statistical data on forms of learning.
Educational and organizational department, students department, registration office, sector of employment and professional practice are in the group of OEPD.
Educational and organizational department realizes organization of educational process in all forms and terms of education and develops ways of improvement. The activity of the department directs on the coordination of educational-organizational and methodical work of structural subdivisions, improvement of the quality of educational services. The department holds the work on planning and organization of educational process, development of normative documentation on educational and educational-methodic work, realizes assistance to graduate departments in licensing and certification. Together with departments of the University hold development of module educational programmes in accordance with the criteria of credit technology of education and parameters of the Bologna process.
Students department realizes conduction of students personal files; student recording: orphans left without parental care; from low-income families; disabled of I and II groups.
It realizes control of students group of all forms and apprenticeship, submit information to MES RK and other organizations; make reports on the students movement , forms documents in strict data reporting and give documents expelled and transferred to another universities students.
Registration office realizes one of the main objectives of the learning – control of monitoring of students’ and undergraduates’ knowledge. Monitoring of students learning achievements allow to implement innovative educational technologies in educational process. The programmes which give opportunity to get education with the use of traditional method of teaching and innovative teaching, which forms competence approach is actively implemented foe preparation specialists for innovative economics.
Sector on employment and professional practice realizes assistance for graduate departments in organization of professional practices, making contracts with companies for passing practices and employment, controls compliance of the schedule of practice passage and employment of the graduates.
During the years of existence our university and its Organization of Educational Process Department had a significant influence on development of science, education, culture, formation of industrial and intellectual potential of the Central region and Kazakhstan as a whole. Innovative transformations which take place at KSTU, allow it to satisfy the requirements of society and time and take leading position in world rankings of universities.