News of AMA

Academic methodological association of the universities at Karaganda State technical University (AMA-KSTU) developed a model curriculum (MC) in the disciplines of the compulsory component of the cycles of basic and profile disciplines of 25 majors of higher and postgraduate education, assigned to the AMA-KSTU.

Model curricula are developed under the Model curriculum, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, dated 5 July, 2016 No. 425 and in accordance with state compulsory standards of higher and postgraduate education approved by the decree of the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 13 May, 2016 No. 292.

Model curriculum are considered at a meeting of the Republican Educational-Methodical Council from 30 June 2016, report No.2.

AMA-KSTU is ready to transfer Model curriculum 2016 approved by the MES to the universities.
