Meeting with a veteran of the war in Afghanistan Zhalmakhanov Shapagat Sharapatovich

In honor of the 34th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, a meeting with the doctor of philological sciences, professor, veteran of the war in Afghanistan Zhalmakhanov Shapagat Sharapatovich took place in the dormitory “House of Students”. Shapagat Sharapatovich told the students about his stay in Afghanistan from the moment he was drafted into the army. Impressed by the meeting, the students asked the veteran questions and received sincere answers. Talking about the events he experienced, Shapagat Sharapatovich called on students to patriotism, to educate the spirit for the sake of the future of the country. The impressive stories told by Shpagat Sharapatovich caused such delight among the students that the meeting lasted longer than the allotted time.
