LIST of scientific and methodical works of Associate Professor Bayzhabaginova Gulzhahan Abzhanovna

Name of work Kind of work Output data Volume p.p. Co-authors
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Communication ofparameters of electrocontact processing with quality of a processed surface Printed The international scientifically-practical conference «Actual problems of a mountain-metallurgical complex of Kazakhstan», Karaganda, 2009 0,3/0,25 Muravyov O.P., Shvoyev V.F., Seidinova G.A.
2 The description of strength of a 110Г13L steel  at high temperature Printed Trudy Universiteta (University’s works) №2, 2009 0,3/0,2 Ualiyev D.Sh.
3 Processing of difficultly processed steel by means of cutting Printed Interuniversity student’s scientific conference «Student and scientific-technical progress”, 2009 0,3/0,1 Zhanuzakov S.Zh.Nygyzhan E.S.
4 Methods of maintenance of accuracy of technology of machine building production Printed Teaching aid 4,9 л Sherov K.T., Muravyov O.P.
5 The international standards of an estimation Printed Teaching aid 3,6 Sherov K.T.
6 Methodical instructions to laboratory works on discipline «Customs control and examination» Printed KSTU publisher, 2009. 1,4 . Sihimbayev M.R.
7 Methodical instructions to students’ independent works with teacher on discipline «Customs control and examination» Printed KSTU publisher, 2009. 3 Sihimbayev M.R.
8 Research of deterioration of soil pumps and bowls of cones of the crushing equipment Printed Scientifically-practical conference«Innovative technologies in training and production», Kamyshin, Russia, 2009 04/0,35 Muravyov O.P.
9 Ways of increase of cutting process productivity Printed Works of the international scientific conference «Science and education – the leading factor of strategy «Kazakhstan – 2030», 2009 0,4/0,2 Muravyov O.P., Muravyova Yu.О.
10 Choice and analysis of cutting modes at electrocontact processing Printed Interuniversity student’s scientific conference «Student and scientific-technical progress”, 2009 0,4/0,2 Zhunusova A.K.,Aikenova Zh.Zh.
11 International trade of services Printed Interuniversity student’s scientific conference «Student and scientific-technical progress”, 2009 0,4/0,2 Chubrik V., Staryh I., Elli
12 Research of deterioration of soil pumps and bowls of cones of the crushing equipment Printed VI All-Russian scientific-practical conference. Innovative technologies in training and production. December 15-16, 2009 0,3/0,2 Muravyov O.P.
13 Choice of rods’ running modes of mechanized lining Printed VI All-Russian scientific-practical conference. Innovative technologies in training and production. December 15-16, 2009 0,3/0,07 Muravyov O.P., Shvoyev V.F.,  Sihimbayev M.R.
14 The international standards of an estimation Printed Teaching aid. Каraganda: KSTU publisher, 2009. – 56p. 3,6/2,0 Sherov K.T.
15 Methodical instructions to students’ independent works with teacher on discipline «Customs control and examination» Printed Каraganda: KSTU publisher,2009. – 46p. 3,0/0,9 Sihimbayev M.R.
16 Methodical instructions to laboratory works on discipline «Customs control and examination» Printed Каraganda: KSTU publisher, 2009. – 22p. 1,4/0,9 Sihimbayev M.R.
17 Cutting tool Printed Каraganda: KSTU publisher, 2009.-84p. 5,3
18 Research of durability of metal electrocontact processing Printed Межвузовской студенческой научной конференции «Студент и научно-технический прогресс, 2010г. 0,35/0,2 Zhanuzakov S.Zh.Nygyzhan E.S.
19 Wear resistance and increase of operational indicators of centrifugal pumps Printed Interuniversity student’s scientific conference «Student and scientific-technical progress”, 2010 0,35/0,2 Abdykadyrkyzy A.
20 The analysis of cellular communication’s service market in the Republic of Kazakhstan Printed Interuniversity student’s scientific conference «Student and scientific-technical progress”, 2010 0,35/0,15 Guseva A., Shahmatova O.
21 About three metods of definition of valid plane position from the theoretical one Printed Science bulletin  of the Kazakh agrotechnical university named after S.Seifulin. №1, 2010 0,7/0,1 Sherov K.T., Sherov A.K., Alikulov D.E.
22 Change of structure of a 110Г13L steel  at electrocontact processing Printed Trudy Universiteta (University’s works) №1, 2010 0,35/0,2 Muravyov O.P.,  Seidinova G.A.
23 Definition of microhardness by a method of experiments planning Printed All-Russian youth scientific conference «Scientific potential of youth – the future of Russia» «Youth of Russia 2010», Murom, 2010– 67-69p. 0,3/0,2 Seidinova G.A.
24 Methods of maintenance of accuracy of technology of machine building production Printed Teaching aid. Каraganda: KSTU publisher, 2009. – 77p. 4,9/1,5 Sherov K.T. Muravyova Yu.O.
25 Application of innovative methods of training for increase of efficiency of educational process Printed Works of the International symposium «information-communication technologies in the industry, science and education», Karaganda, October 28-29, 2010, 32-33p. 0,3/0,2 Seidinova G.A.
26 Methodical instructions on the discipline  ” Licensing and certification bases” Printed Каraganda: KSTU publisher, 2010. – 46p. 3,0/2,0 Shvoev V.F., Yerahtina I.I.
27 Thermal processes at electrocontact processing Printed Works of the International conference «Innovation – 2010», volume 2, Ulyanovsk, 191-192р. 0,3
28 Technological features of electrocontact processing Printed Works of the International conference «Innovation – 2010», volume 2, Ulyanovsk,  2010, 197-198p. 0,3/0,2 Muravyov O.P.
29 Research of dependence of current amount’s size from speed of preparation Printed Works of the International scientifically-practical conference «Auezov readings – 9: ways of innovative development of a science, education and culture in new decade», volume 7, Shymkent, 2010, 185-188 0,4/0,2 Sherov K.T. Seidinova G.A.
30 Methodical instructions to students’ independent works with teacher on discipline «Licensing and certification bases» Printed Каraganda: KSTU publisher, 2010. – 51р. 3,0/2,0 Muravyov O.P., Yerahtina I.I.
31 Methodical instructions to a course paper on discipline “Quality management Systems» Printed Каraganda: KSTU publisher,2010. – 16р. 1,0/0,5 Shvoev V.F.,  Imasheva K.I.
32 Customs control and examination Printed Teaching aid. Каraganda: KSTU publisher, 2010. – 42р. 2,5/1,5 Shvoev V.F., Yerahtina I.I.
33 Research of durability and reliability of mountain cars’ work Printed Scientific-technical and industrial magazine «Gornyi vestnik Uzbekistana», Tashkent, 2011, 119-120p. 0,4/0,2 Muravyov O.P., Sherov K.T.