Light up your surroundings

The academic year 2022-2023 is a special year for our university. After all, Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov turns 70 years old! In this regard, the project “70 good deeds” was planned at the beginning of the academic year.

One of such good deeds teachers of the department “Mine aerology and labor protection” began with a visit to the orphanage “Tansholpan” in the person of Kakenova M.Zh. with their supervised group BDD-21-1. Gifts were brought to the children, a concert program was arranged, games were organized. The children were absolutely delighted.

Such events allow students to do good, give smiles to kids, take care of them. Let this be just a small step towards a good cause! Therefore, let’s always hurry to do good!
