“Round table” in honor of the Independence of Kazakhstan on the theme: “the Future of Kazakhstan in the hands of youth!»

Karaganda state technical University

Department ” Russian language and culture»

Report upon completion of the event

(responsible persons: lect., M. p. N. Dokuchaeva, Rev. Kichanova A. Yu.)


“Round table” in honor of the Independence of Kazakhstan on the theme: “the Future of Kazakhstan in the hands of youth!»

Date: 06 December 2019

Venue: 1 building

Participants: 1st and 2nd year students of groups with the state language of instruction

Coverage of students: 30 people.

Analytical information:

December 06, 2019 was organized and held a “Round table” in honor of the Independence day of Kazakhstan on the theme: “the Future of Kazakhstan in the hands of youth!»

The event was organized and conducted by the Department of “Russian language and culture” in the framework of the program “rukhani zhangyru”, subprogram “Tarbieh Zhane Bilim” basic direction “Sanaly Azamat”.

The objectives of the planned event are:

– strengthening national unity and patriotism;

– education of respect and respect for the history of their people and their state;

– involvement of students in socially useful activities, in strengthening the spiritual and moral values of “Mangilik El” and ” rukhani zhangyru»

– implementation of multilingual education.

The event was attended by students of 1 and 2 courses with the state language of instruction of different faculties (FEAT, MF, ASF). Coverage-30 people. The program of the event included:

– watching the film “Independent Kazakhstan»;

– speeches of students on the following topics: “Independent Kazakhstan-today and tomorrow” (Tokaeva A.), ” Kazakhstan through the eyes of foreigners “(Karsakov A.), “Topical issues of implementation of multilingual education in Kazakhstan” (Marketby T.);

– recitation of poems about Kazakhstan in the state, Russian, English languages (Tleukhan B., Kartaeva Zh., Abdikerov G., baybol A., Bekturova Zh., Izturganova L, Satymbetova D., Sarlybekova A.);

– the playing of Patriotic songs ( Kuandyk B.).

This event was held in a creative atmosphere. Students actively participated in the discussion of reports: asked questions, expressed their opinions, discussed the most pressing points of speeches, defended their position. Interesting thoughts were expressed about the future of our country in the context of international unity of Kazakhstan.



