Round table «Ұмытылмас тағдырлар»

Every year, beginning in 1997, on May 31, Kazakhstan marks the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repression. As part of the commemoration day for victims of political repression, on May 16, 2019 in the hostel “Serpіndester Ordasy” a round table “Ymytylmas taғdyrlar” was held for 1-3 year students of KSTU.

The event began with a “moment of silence.” It is important for the young generation to know what our ancestors had to go through, what kind of suffering they had to go through in order to preserve peace, harmony and unity.

The program of the round table showed material about the activities of Karlag, revealed the stages of repression, deportation and dispossession of “unreliable”.

This event was organized by the Serpіn Training Center together with the Research Institute of Patriotic Education.

