History of the department

Department of «Сhemistry and chemical technology»

The Department of Industrial Ecology and Chemistry was organized in 1995. The prerequisites for its creation were drawing attention to environmental education issues, including engineering personnel, as well as the growing need for qualified environmental engineers who are able to solve problems of environmental protection and rational environmental management in industry and various spheres of life. The department of chemistry included the department of chemistry, which until 1995 was an independent unit of KSTU.

Since 1995, the department has trained specialists in the fields of “Applied Ecology” (by industry), “Enrichment of Mineral Resources”, “Engineering Environmental Protection”. The first issue of environmental engineers was carried out in 1998.

The first head of the department was appointed professor, Ph.D. Obukhov Y.D. (1995-1997 yy, .2004-2009 yy). From 1997-2000 yy. – Associate Professor Fedorchenko V.I., from 2000-2004. – Associate Professor Oralova A.T.

With the arrival in 2008 of the new rector, Gazaliev Arstan Maulenovich , academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, the department received a new life: new promising specialties were opened , new equipment was purchased for training laboratories, the Research Institute “New Materials” was founded, in which “EMR” conducts practical classes, research is carried out, that is, all the necessary infrastructure has been created for the development of modern science.

From 2009-2011 management over the department passed to associate professor Kokzhalova B.Z., from 2011-2013. – Ibraev M.K., from 2013 – 2017 – Associate Professor Kabieva S.K.

In 2017, the department received a new name “Chemistry and Chemical Technologies”.

From 2017 to the present, the department is headed by Associate Professor Takibaeva A.T.


The department trains specialists in four specialties demanded by the labor market:


5В070100 – “Biotechnology”;

5В072100 – “Chemical technology of organic substances”;

5В073700 – “Enrichment of Mineral Resources”;

6М072100 – “Chemical technology of organic substances”.