The DMRD chair prepares experts of all three steps: bachelor degree, masters and PhD doctoral studies. The purpose of DMRD chair is preparation of a highly-skilled and demanded personnel for the mining industry, research and design establishments, colleges and higher education institutions.
Bachelor degree
The bachelor of mining of the specialty 5В070700 “Mining” during training gains skills:
• development of new production technologies
• determination of prime cost of expenses of carrying out excavations, production (coal, ore);
• analysis of a condition, technology and level of the organization of production;
• using of the computer and information equipment, special computer programs;
• skills of the management at the mountain enterprise.
Master degree
The master of mining business of the specialty 6М070700 “Mining”, during training gains skills:
• using of a general scientific technique of carrying out scientific works;
• ability of registration of its results in various forms of scientific production;
• pedagogical activity
• using of foreign languages for implementation professional,
• research, pedagogical activity.
Training in a magistracy is carried out on the basis of professional training programs of the higher education (bachelor degree) in two directions:
1) scientific and pedagogical with term of training of the 2nd years
2) profile with term of training of 1-1,5 years.
Doctoral studies
During realization of an educational program within doctoral studies preparation of the scientific and scientific and pedagogical shots having the academic rank of the master of sciences or the master on a profile, and carrying out research activity in higher educational institutions or the research centers is conducted.
Training term in doctoral studies – not less than 3 years.
Educational training programs of doctoral studies provide fundamental educational, methodological and research preparation and profound studying of disciplines in the direction of scientific specialization.