The Training Methodological Office of Karaganda State Technical University was created on the basis of the Educational Methodological Department. Over the years, the Educational Methodological Department was headed by famous scientists and methodologists, such as: G.E. Ivanchenko (1953-1955), M.L. Rudakov (1955-1960), A.Yu. Melnichuk (1960-1963), S.G. Milev (1963-1964), R.K. Uaykanov (1964), Yu.I. Zakharov (1965-1989), A.Kh. Petrushevsky (1977-1983), K.I. Maksimova (1989-1990), G.I. Valshtein (1990-1996), V.S. Portnov (1996-2017).
In 2002, the Educational Methodological Department was reorganized into the Educational Methodological Office, in 2010 the Educational Methodological Office was reorganized into the Educational Process Organization Department (EPOD). The department staff successfully copes with the tasks facing it. It is worth noting the long-term fruitful work of the deputy head of the department Lapan M.S., specialist T.V. Shlapak, engineers G.N. Ryazanova, V.A. Makhova, I.N. Kuznetsova, T.U. Lopukhova, N. Nigmatullin, E.V. Demov, who have proven themselves to be competent, proactive, responsible employees.
The Educational Process Organization Department is called upon to organize optimally the educational activities of the University aimed at meeting the needs of students in acquiring higher education and qualifications in the chosen field of professional activity.
The objective of the EPOD is to ensure the training of specialists with higher education in accordance with the State Standard of Higher Education, meeting the requirements of the labor market and the need for comprehensive development based on maintaining a high level of organizational, educational and methodological activities with the efficient use of resources. The main areas of activity of the EPOD include the analysis of processes occurring in the educational sphere, identification of trends in its development taking into account new scientific and technological achievements; development of working curricula for specialties in accordance with the requirements of state compulsory educational standards and vocational and educational programs; participation in the formation of department staffs with qualified professors and the teaching staff and educational and auxiliary personnel; search for new educational technologies; information support of the educational process; control over equipping laboratories and departments with updated electronic media, audiovisual and technical teaching aids, software, information and methodological resources, as well as automated systems for educational purposes; organization of professional practice of students and its supervision; organization of scholarship provision for students; accumulation, processing and control of statistical data on all the modes of education.
The EPOD includes the Educational and Organizational Department, the Student Department, the Registrar Office, the Sector for employment and job placement.
The Educational and Organizational Department organizes the educational process for all the modes and terms of study and develops ways to improve it. The department activities are aimed at coordinating the educational, organizational and methodological work of structural divisions, and improving the quality of educational services. The department carries out work for planning and organizing the educational process, developing regulatory documentation on educational and educational-methodological work, and provides assistance to graduating departments in their work. Together with the University departments, it develops modular educational programs in accordance with the criteria of the credit technology of education and the parameters of the Bologna process.
The Student Department maintains students’ personal files; records students- orphans left without parental care; students from low-income families; disabled people of groups I and II; monitors the contingent of students of all the modes and terms of study, provides information to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the other organizations; compiles reports on student movement, provides strict reporting documents and issues documents to expelled students and those transferred to the other universities.
The Registrar Office performs one of the main tasks of training: controlling and monitoring the knowledge of students and postgraduates. Monitoring of students’ academic achievements allows for timely introduction of innovative educational technologies into the educational process.
To train specialists for the innovative economy, programs are being actively implemented that provide the opportunity to obtain education using the traditional teaching method and innovative teaching that forms the competency-based approach.
The Sector of employment and job placement provides assistance to graduating departments in organizing industrial practices, concluding contracts with enterprises Over the years of its existence, our University and its Educational Process Organization Department have had a significant impact on the development of science, education, culture, and the formation of industrial and intellectual potential in the Central Region and Kazakhstan as a whole. The innovative transformations taking place at KTU (formerly KSTU) allow meeting the requirements of society and time and taking the leading positions in the world rankings of universities.
In February 2017, the EPOD was reorganized into the Department of Academic Affairs (DAA) that includes: the Educational Process Organization Department (EPOD), the Student Department, and the Dispatch Service. In October 2024, the Educational Process Organization Department (EPOD) was renamed the Training Methodological Office (TMO) in connection with the University reorganization.