
Geophysical Methods Exploration Department was established in 1962 in Kazakh Polytechnic Institute in Rudny. In 1969 was transferred to the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute, where he started training of mining engineers, geophysicists of specialty ‘Geophysical methods of prospecting and mineral exploration’.

Objective precondition for the creation the Geophysical Methods of Exploration Department was a large amount of exploration in major oil and gas provinces of Kazakhstan, the increase in prospecting and exploration for solid minerals and shortage of specialists in geophysical methods for wells.

The department provides training of mining engineers, geologists on correspondence courses for 1965-75. Since 1994 was started training of mining engineers, geologists of specialty “Geological survey, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits” full-time education. In 1954 on the Geology Department, worked 4 teachers, including an associate professor in 1965 – 9 teachers including 6 associate professors. Depending on the contingent of students varied quantitative and qualitative composition of the teaching staff.

In the formative years of the department faculty led classes only at students majoring in “Underground mining” in the disciplines, “General geology” “Geology of mineral deposits and their exploration” and “Historical Geology”. In the present geophysical disciplines are taught to students of mining specialties, and for geophysicists and geologists are taught by full-time training (20 subjects).

The founder of the scientific direction on how to study the gas content and gas content of coal-bearing deposits of the Karaganda basin is a corresponding member NAS RK, doctor of geological-mineralogical sciences, professor Ermekov M.A., under the supervision of which was prepared by nine candidates, including Biljalov B.D., Hidureli R.S., Baybatchaev A.B.

Research and contractual works of teachers and staff of the department were in different directions at different sites of mining in Kazakhstan and abroad, and this is the Karaganda and Maykyubencky coal basins, Sokolov-Sarbaisky, Don and Lisakovsk MCC, and others.

The problem of establishing relationships of technological properties of coals from genetic factors for different fields (Zhalyn, Karazhyra) Kazakhstan engaged prof. Dumler L.F., and the results of studies which were used in geological and economic evaluation of deposits and engaging in industrial development.

Development of methods for prediction of tectonic disturbance fields of mines of the Karaganda basin, the roof stability, the establishment of the regularities of formation of engineering-geological conditions of deposits in the clastic rocks of Central Kazakhstan, engaged Baybatchaev A.B. (1975-88), which resulted in 32 published scientific articles.

The study of the material composition Sokolov-Sarbai ores and geological structure of district engaged Assoc. Moskalenko A.I.

For the formation and development of the department heads have great contribution – Shavykin S.I. (1969-1979), Ermekov M.A. (1970-1989), Borisenko J.N. (1979-1984), Portnow V.S. (1984-1989), Park Y.N. (1989- 1991) Biljalov B.D. (1991-1997), Borisenko G.T. (2001-2003), Bochenin Y.V. (2003-2009).

At present the Head Department position (from 2009) is a candidate of technical sciences Ponomareva M.V.

Department of “Geophysical methods of prospecting mineral deposits” is formed division of the department of “Geophysics and Geology”, according to the order № 574 from 27.08.2011.
