Head of foreign languages departmentat Abylkas Saginov KTU read course of lectures for students of Romanian-American University

Active international activity at Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University is carried out within the framework of 150 agreements and memorandums of cooperation with universities from 24 countries of the world.

The University actively participates in international scientific and educational projects Erasmus+, Sinergy, USCO, Confucius Institute.

For example, within the framework of ERASMUS+ “Staff Mobility Program”, the head of foreign languages department, Cand.Sc. Pedagogy, Associate Professor, certified coacher of the British Council, D.D. Dzhantasova successfully read a course of lectures on the topic “Intercultural Communication and Academic Collaboration” for students of specialty “Business Administration” at the Romanian-American University (Bucharest, Romania) using creative teaching methods, such as team building, active listening techniques, interdisciplinary and collaborative methods.

The issues of collaboration between our universities and cooperation in the area of capacity- building of the internationalization higher education through the use of the Go UniTech digital platform developed within the framework of grant financing project were discussed with the leadership of European Union Program.

A meeting was held with students of the Romanian-American University, where a presentation of the educational programs was presented at Abylkas Saginov KTU for the implementation of student exchange programs for academic mobility and admission to our university for master’s and doctoral programs.
