Talerchik Marina Petrovna
Сandidate of Technical Sciences, docent, head of Department
In 2002 she graduated with a degree KSTU “Geophysical methods of prospecting and mineral exploration.” Teaches courses in the disciplines “petroleum geology”, “Drilling”. Co-published over 20 scientific papers.
Portnov Vasiliy Sergeyevich
Doctor of Technical Sciences. Professor
He graduated from KarPTI. In 1993 he graduated from KSU name E.A. Buketov specialty “Mathematics”. He was awarded the Jubilee Medal ” 10 years of the Constitution of Kazakhstan” badge “Honored Worker of Education of RK.”Author of 460 scientific papers, 15 monographs, 10 inventions.
Ponomareva Marina Viktorovna
Сandidate of Technical Sciences, docent
She graduated with a degree KarPtI “Geophysical methods of prospecting and mineral exploration.” Teaches courses on subjects’ interpretation of the results GMRW “,” Petrophysics “. Published 60 scientific and educational works.
Bochenin Yuriy Viktorovich
Сandidate of Geology and Mineralogy Sciences, docent
In 1975 he graduated from KarPTI specialty “mining engineer-geophysicist.” He lectures on the subject “Geophysical instruments and equipment.” Published 60 scientific and educational works. Responsible for production and pre-diploma practice.
Pak Dmitry Yurievich
Сandidate of Technical Sciences, docent
In 1997 he graduated with a degree KSTU “Geophysical methods of prospecting and mineral exploration.” Teaches courses in the discipline, “Radiometry and Nuclear Geophysics.” He has published over 90 scientific and educational works, 11 inventions.
Takhanov Daulet Kuatovich
Senior teacher, Candidate of Techical Sciences
KSTU graduated in 2003. Candidate took place in 2009. Conducts classes on subjects “Regional Geology”, “Geological and economic evaluation IIP”, etc.
Parafilova Rimma Umidovna
Senior teacher
In 1974 he graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute majoring in “Geophysical methods of exploration.” Teaches courses in the discipline “General Field Geophysics course.” Published over 30 scientific and educational works.
Abeuov Amangeldy Karimovich
Senior teacher
Education – Higher. Graduated from the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute in 1985, majoring in “Shooting, Exploration of MPI.” Conducts lectures and workshops on: “Geochemistry”, “Laboratory methods of prospecting IIP”, “Geology and Mineral Resources of Kazakhstan” and others.
Tokusheva Zhibek Toleuovna
Senior teacher
n 1996 she graduated with a degree KarPTI “Geophysical methods of prospecting and mineral exploration.” Teaches courses in the disciplines “Fundamentals of GIS”, “Special Course GMIS.” Has published more than 20 scientific educational works.
Tungyshbayeva Ainash Tagaibekovna
Senior teacher
In 2001 she graduated with a degree KSTU “Geophysical methods of prospecting and mineral exploration.” Conducts lectures and workshops on subjects “Petrophysics”, “Fundamentals of subsoil.” Has published more than 18 scientific and educational works.
Kaskatayeva Kuralai Balapashovna
In 2001 she graduated with a degree KSTU “Geophysical methods of exploration,” mining engineer and geophysicist. Conducts classes on discipline “Computer methods of processing of geophysical data”, “Geo-technical studies in the wells.”
Kopobayeva Ayman Nygmetovna
In 2009, she graduated from KSTU with degree “Geological Survey, exploration of MD.” Master’s thesis defense took place in 2011. Supervises practical and laboratory classes on such subjects as: “Petrology,” “General and Historical Geology,” “Geology of Oil and Gas”, “Petrography”. Published 6 scientific and educational works.
Satibekova Sandugash Boranbayevna
In 2010 she graduated from KSTU specialty “Geological Survey, Exploration of MPI.” Protection Master’s thesis took place in 2012. Conducts workshops and laboratory classes on such subjects as: “Petrography”, “Crystallography and Mineralogy,” “Mine and mine geology.”
Zhelayeva Nataliya Valerievna
In 2006 she graduated from Karaganda State Technical University, “Geophysical methods of exploration.”. Has published more than 10 scientific and educational works. Conducts laboratory studies on the subject “Integration of GMIS,” “Well-miner and mining geophysics.”
Li Elena Sergeyevna
In 2010 she graduated from Karaganda State Technical University, majoring in “Geology and mineral exploration.”
Kantarbayeva Miramkul Serikovna
Head of the laboratory
In 1998 graduated from KSTU, specialty “Machines foundry” with assignment of qualification “engineer-mechanic”.
Baydauletova Irina Vladimirovna
Head of the laboratory
In 2007 finished the Karaganda State Technical University in «Materials science and technology of new materials».
In 2011г. finished a magistracy of the Karaganda State Technical University in «Materials science and technology of new materials».
Gabova Yana Viktorovna
In 2001 she graduated from Karaganda State Technical University, majoring in “Economics and Management in Construction”, with the qualification “engineer-economist-builder.”