
Department of «Information computing systems» (IСS)

The photo gallery is a special section on the website of the IСS department, where you can view and upload photos at the request of the head of the Phd department Kalinin A. A. It can be useful for teaching staff and students for various reasons:

  1. Visual representation of information: Photos can help to convey information better and create a more vivid impression of the department and teachers, place or events at the department. Bright and interesting photographs help to attract students’ attention to the social life of the department.
  2. Show professionalism: The presence of high-quality photos can create an impression of professionalism and a serious approach to business.
    The photo gallery allows students to easily view a large number of images, select photos they are interested in and share them with colleagues.

Thus, the photo gallery is an important element of the Website, which helps to attract the attention of students, convey information and create a positive impression about the department and the University as a whole.
