A Fulbright Program Scholarship holder from the USA will conduct advanced language training courses at Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University

Since September 18, 2023, Emmett Cashman, a scholarship holder of one of the most recognized and prestigious programs in the world – the Fulbright Program (USA), has started teaching advanced language training courses at Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University.


The arrival of Emmett Cashman, an outstanding graduate of Vassar College (Poughkeepsie, New York, USA) and a Fulbright Program Fellow, marks an important milestone in the university’s desire to provide students and teachers with the opportunity to receive an international-class language education.

As part of the work of the Department of Foreign Languages aimed at developing the language skills of our students, Mr. Cashman will play a key role in two different language programs.

The first of them is conversational clubs for our students on the basis of the Department of Foreign Languages. These clubs will create a supportive and interactive environment in which students will be able to improve their spoken English skills. Through fascinating discussions, group classes and the exchange of cultural values, participants will gain confidence in using English as a means of effective communication.

The second of the planned programs aims to study business English. Mr. Cashman will conduct classes in Business English “Business English” as part of the course “Scientific and Technical Translation” conducted by the Department of Foreign Languages. These specialized classes will prepare students for successful work in international business, equip them with language skills and cultural knowledge necessary for successful work in the global market.

Emmett Cashman’s experience is not limited to teaching students. Realizing the importance of language proficiency by teachers, he also intends to conduct classes on improving language skills for the teaching staff of the university.

Language is a bridge connecting people of different backgrounds and cultures. In the context of globalization and the increasingly close interconnection of the world community, proficiency in English and other languages is necessary for successful education, career growth and cooperation. Hosting Emmet Cashman and his language skills development programs, Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University confirms it’s commitment to provide it’s students and teachers with the means necessary for successful work in the conditions of globalization.
