The Foreign Languages Department of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University held a Motivational Workshop “History of Success”

The seminar was organized and conducted by the Foreign Languages Department (head of the Department Ph.D., Associate Professor Jantassova D.D.).

The aim of the motivational workshop was to create socio-psychological conditions for students to develop an effective style of achieving success in their field of work and to develop stress-resistance.

The seminar gave students the opportunity to gain key skills in practice. So, students of group GiK-22-2 Amir Shakhidi and Nikita Mogilnikov, under the guidance of teacher of the Foreign Languages ​​Department Ye.A. Zhdanova held with the participants of the seminar team games “Paper tower challenge” and “Spaghetti Tower Marshmallow Challenge” to develop team building skills) and teamwork.

Students Talshyn Yerimbetova (group Men-20-1), Shynar Serik  (group Mark-20-1) and Aigerim Serikova (group Arkh-22-3), under the guidance of teacher of the Foreign Language Department D.N.  Nurpeisova held an informative presentation and practical exercises to develop time management skills in the form of a team game on prioritization and time allocation. An online test was also conducted, where the viewers had the opportunity to determine their psychological predisposition to the areas of professional activity.

Students of group C-22-1 Dias Yesmuratov, Zarina Orynbay and teacher of the Foreign Languages ​​ Department G.M. Abdykarimova held an entertaining interactive on the development of conflict competence, showed exercises to combat stress.

Lecturer of the Foreign Languages Department A.Zh. ​​Bolat held a brainstorming session, developing the skills of creative thinking and leadership skills of students.

At the end of the motivational seminar, the students of the GiK-22-1 group Saltanay Aluakasova, Aidana Serikova and Islam Tursyn Islam with Adil Kanatbekov made presentations where they told about the success stories of the world famous personalities in the fields of sports, business and art.
