Innovation Technology faculty
- List of curators for 2023-2024
- The schedule of master classes on curatorial hours for 2023-2024..
- The list of senior curators for 2023-2024..
- BP’s calendar plan for 2023-2024.
The strategic goal of youth policy is to realize priorities and create conditions for formation of all-round harmonically developed person of student.
The task of educational work is formation at students of such properties as patriotism, civicism and social responsibility.
At the Institute there has been implemented the model of patriotic education for KarSTU on the example of First President of RK N.A. Nazarbayev.
In the context of this model there has been carried out complex of educational activities among them there are curatorial hours, conferences, “round tables” and debates. Students of our Institute actively participate in scientific conferences, Olympiads and don’t leave without attention sport .