Educational work of the department of «Architecture and design»

Department of «Architecture and design»


A department realize the unique Model of patriotic education worked out in University on the example of the First President of Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev. With active voice of students a counsel clock is conducted according to charts. The students of department accept active voice in organization and realization of festive, public and sporting measures of University and city.

Chair educational work is made in order:

– creation of conditions for preparation of the experts possessing high professionalism and a broad outlook, skills of dialogue and work in collective;

– formation of patriotic, spiritual and moral qualities of students;

– propagation and introduction of physical training and a healthy way of life;

– creation of full value socially-pedagogical environment promoting education of highly moral, spiritually and physically healthy person, capable to bear moral responsibility for taking technical and technological and organizational decisions in the further labor activity.

