Educational-methodological work

Educational-methodical work – the most important component of the educational process at the university, on which depends the quality of training.

The main priority of educational-methodical work is the formation of the regulatory framework of the educational process, in particular of the state educational standards of the specialties of higher and postgraduate education and model curricula that make up the base of any educational program. <

This the most complicated and responsible task Karaganda Technical University successfully carried out over many years.

On the basis of KTU the order of RK № 367 from 31.07.2009 was established educational-methodical section (EMS) of the National educational-methodical Council (NEMC), which are guided by the Regulations on the Republican educational-methodical council of higher and postgraduate education, approved by Order of MES RK № 14 from January 14, 2011. Author teams of the University with active participation of NEMC was done considerable work on designing of State Standards of new generation in accordance with the Classifier of specialties in 2009.


