“Day of the elderly”

On October 1, Kazakhstan annually marks the International Day of Older Persons as a tribute to the traditions of respect and veneration of old age, a sign of recognition of the merits of older people, their multifaceted contribution to the development of the state.

Each new generation of Kazakhstanis learns from the wisdom of elders, their experience and moral qualities. With their heroic deed during the war, they defended and defended the world, endured hunger and deprivation for the sake of saving life on earth, in the post-war years they restored the destroyed national economy, and by their work they made a worthy contribution to the development of the economy.

The state is aware of its duty to the older generation. Debt that can be paid only by everyday care, support, which has become today a part of state social policy.

International Day of Older Persons was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly on December 14, 1990.

So KIT students decided to congratulate the Disabled Home “Care”, which is home to about 25 people aged 60-95 years. Each of them has their own life story, someone ended up in the House of Disabled by coincidence, someone had a life like this. Among the disabled people living in the House, at one time they were honored teachers, engineers, and actress.

The college administration, represented by the director Smagulova N.A., teachers, students and parents organized a festive dinner and prepared musical greetings.

The event was very eventful, students together with veterans sang songs on the guitar, shared their life experiences, and gave advice. KIT students received a lot of pleasure from the meeting and, of course, were a little upset by the life situation in which the veterans of the Disabled Home “Care” were.

On behalf of the college administration, the teaching staff and all students, we once again want to congratulate our dear grandparents on such a significant day and wish the most important thing not to hurt and delight us for many years to come.


