About the defense of doctoral thesis of Karsakova Akbope Zholaevna

In Karaganda Technical University will take place Karsakova Akbope Zholaevna the doctoral thesis defense for the Doctor of Philosophy PhD scientific degree on a theme: «Modernization of  straightening-tamping-lining VPO-3-3000 machine» on a specialty 6D071300 – «Transport, transport equipment and technologies».

The defense will be held in Kazakh.

The dissertation work performed at department « Transport technology and logistics systems» of Karaganda Technical University


  1. Sazambaeva Bayan Tokushevna – doctor of technical sciences, professor of «Transport, transport technics and technologies», Eurasian national University. L.N. Gumilyov.
  2. Bakyt Gabit Bakytuly – PhD, аssociate professor of the department of «Highway Engineering» of the Academy of Logistics and transport.

Scientific consultant:

  1. Kadyrov Adil Suratovich – doctor of technical sciences, professor of the department «Transport technology and logistics systems» of the Karaganda technical university.
  2. Grachev Vladimir Vasilyevich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department «Locomotives and Locomotive Economy» of the St. Petersburg State University of Railways, Russia.

Temporary members of the dissertation council:

  1. Togizbayeva Baglan Bolsynovna – doctor of technical sciences, professor of «Transport, transport technics and technologies», Eurasian national University. L.N. Gumilyov.
  2. Musaev Zhanat Sultanbekovich – doctor of technical sciences, professor of the department of «Highway Engineering» of the Academy of Logistics and transport.
  3. Bakyt Gabit Bakytuly – PhD, аssociate professor of the department of «Highway Engineering» of the Academy of Logistics and transport.

Defense will be held: December 10, 2021, at 12.00 at Karaganda Technical University at: 100027, Karaganda, Boulevard Nursultan Nazarbaev 56, The first corpus, Room 319. The defense will be carried out online on the Zoom platform (identification number 7272555858, access code 1953)

            Website: www.kstu.kz, e-mail: karsakova84@mail.ru


Заключение Этической комиссии


Список публикаций

Отзыв консультанта – Кадырова А.С.

Отзыв Зарубежного консультанта – Грачева В.В.

Отзыв рецензента Бақыт Ғ. на диссертацию Карсаковой А.Ж.

Отзыв рецензента Сазамбаевой Б.Т. на диссертацию Карсаковой А.Ж.

Справка о наличии публикаций Карсакова
