Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Karaganda State Technical University
Confirmed by
Chairman of the Academic Council,
rector, RK NAS academician
Gazaliyev A.M.
_________ ____ 20___.
Module СG 35″Computer Graphics”
Course СG 3210″Computer Graphics”
Major 5В071000 – Materials Science and Technology of New Materials
Mechanical engineering Institute
Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Nanotechnology
Syllabus is worked out by:Cand. of Sc., Assoc. Prof. Kipnis L.S., Professor, tutor Malashkevichute E.I.
Discussed at the meeting of the department «Metallurgy, Materials Science and Nanotechnologies»
Minutes № _______ of ______________ «____» 20___
Head of department ________________ ___________«____» 20___
Approved by the Educational Council of the Mechanical Engineering Institute
Minutes № _______ of ______________ «____» 20___
Chairman ________________ ____________ «____» 20___
Tutor’s personal data and contact information
Cand. of Sc., Assoc. Prof. Kipnis L.S., tutor Malashkevichute E.I.
« Metallurgy, Materials Science and Nanotechnologies »chair is in the main building of KSTU, B. Mira, 56 room No. 313, contact phone 56-59-35 add. 1024
Course labour intensity
Number of credits / ЕCTS |
The type of classes |
Number of hours of AL
Total number of lecture hours |
Form of control |
number of contact hours |
number of hours of OH |
total number of hours |
lectures |
practical classes |
Lab.y classes |
6 |
3 |
30 |
– |
15 |
45 |
90 |
45 |
135 |
Examination |
Course description
Course “Computer Graphics” is mandatory component of the SES-cycle of profile courses.
Course purpose
Course “Computer Graphics” sets as the purpose acquisition by students of the theoretical and methodological problems of computer graphics in the design and preparation of engineering products of their production, master the practical skills of working with modern software.
Course tasks
As a result of studying of this course:
student knows:
– principles of design automation of machinery parts and components;
– capabilities of modern computer graphics systems, basic image editing commands;
student is able:
– to carry out drawings of the parts of machinery parts and components for automated design;
– to acquire practical skills: in the design of documentation for the computer to work with databases;
-to use computer graphics in the design of technical objects.
Studying of this course requires assimilation of the following courses (with the indication of sections (subjects)):
Course |
Section |
1 Computer
Computer laws. |
Computer system | |
2 Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics
Orthogonal projections. |
Rules of construction perspective. | |
Making specifications for engineering drawings | |
3 Process engineering machinery production |
Construction machinery parts and components. |
Marking of engineering materials. |
The knowledge gained at studying of Course “Computer Graphics” is used at mastering following courses: applied mechanics, foundry equipment, CAD engineering, when the semester course projects and work on special subjects, as well as a capstone design.
Thematic plan of the course
Name of section (subject) |
Complexity by types of classes, hours. |
Lectures |
practical |
Lab.y |
AL |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
1. Computer graphics systems, their versions, the application. Basics of presentation of graphical data. History of computer graphics. two-dimensional systems and three-dimensional graphics, solid modeling: AutoCAD, T-Flex, Catia, Cimatron, SolidWorks, Autodesk Invertor etc. |
2 |
– |
– |
5 |
9 |
2. KOMPAS 3d. Main components Kompas-3D. Drawings and graphics editor. Imaging geometry. Dimensioning. editing. Means import and export models. |
4 |
6 |
– |
8 |
9 |
3. Creating drawings in KOMPAS 3d.
Common techniques for working with views. Associated species. Fragments. Parametrization facilities. System of three-dimensional modeling. |
2 |
8 |
– |
12 |
11 |
4. General principles of modeling. Solid modeling in KOMPAS 3D. Create associative models of parts and components with original and standard design elements. Technology of parametric models for typical products based on the prototype.
“Bottom-up” and “top-down” modeling methods. Receiving modifiable associative models. creating additional images |
4 |
16 |
– |
10 |
10 |
5. Design library. Automation of design engineering documentation. Service functions tasks of design and production. Module design specifications. Reversing system (reverse) engineering. |
3 |
– |
– |
10 |
6 |
15 |
30 |
– |
45 |
45 |
List of Lab.y classes
1. Construction and design of sketches in two-dimensional space.
2. Dimensioning the drawing.
3. Study tolerances and tolerances of form and position of surfaces.
4. General principles of solid modeling.
5. Gluing and cutting additional massing details.
6. Construction of additional design elements.
7. Constructing arrays of elements in solid modeling.
8. Construction of space curves.
Thematic plan of office hours
OH theme |
Objectives |
Form classes |
Contents of classes |
Recommended literature |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Theme 1.Study the medium of drawing of the system KOMPAS-3D
(4hours) |
Study the impact of drawing |
interview |
Examine sections of the manual system KOMPAS-3D |
[3, 4]
Theme 2. Basic techniques for working in the system
(4hours) |
Dismantle the basic techniques of |
interview |
Answer the questions |
[3, 4] |
Theme 3. Geometric objects (7hours) |
More knowledge on the subject |
The graphical solution of tasks |
Determine the indices of the planes |
[3, 4] |
Theme 4. Features of work with three-dimensional models
(7hours) |
Dismantle the basic techniques of |
interview |
Answer the questions |
[3, 4] |
Theme 5. Parametric properties model in the KOMPAS-3D
(4hours) |
More knowledge on the subject |
interview |
Answer the questions |
[3, 4] |
Theme 6. Parametric analytic properties of graphic objects in a system KOMPAS-3D
(4hours) |
More knowledge on the subject |
interview |
Answer the questions |
[3, 4] |
Theme 7. Building assemblies in the KOMPAS-3D
(10 hours) |
More knowledge on the subject |
interview |
Answer the questions |
[3, 4] |
Theme 8. Working with libraries KOMPAS-3D
(5hours) |
Dismantle the basic techniques of |
interview |
Answer the questions |
[3, 4] |
Subjects of control tasks for AL
1. Describe the life cycle of the product.
1. Describe the life cycle of the product.
2. Create an algorithm of design process.
3. Give an example of the principle of hierarchy in design.
4. Make methodical description of product design.
5. Interface of KOMPAS-3D.
6. Space drawing and modeling in KOMPAS-3D.
7. How to work with documents in the system KOMPAS-3D.
8. General information about the geometric objects in KOMPAS-3D.
9. Dimensioning and notation system in KOMPAS-3D.
10. General methods of editing objects in the system KOMPAS-3D.
11. General principles of modeling in KOMPAS-3D.
12. Interface features for working with three-dimensional models in the system KOMPAS-3D.
13. Variational and hierarchical parameterization of three-dimensional model in the KOMPAS-3D.
14. User library sketches KOMPAS-3D.
15. User library openings KOMPAS-3D.
16. Library models KOMPAS-3D.
Criteria of students’ knowledge assessment
The examination mark is determined by course as the sum of the maximum indexes of progress on midterm controls (to 60%) and to final attestation (examination) (to 40%) and makes value to 100% according to the table.
Grade on alphabetic system |
Numerical equivalents |
Percentage |
Traditional system |
А А- |
4,0 3,67 |
95-100 90-94 |
Excellent |
В+ В В- |
3,33 3,0 2,67 |
85-89 80-84 75-79 |
Good |
С+ С С- D+ D- |
2,33 2,0 1,67 1,33 1,0 |
70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 |
Satisfactory |
F |
0 |
0-49 |
Unsatisfactory |
Grade «A» (excellent) is put in the case if student during a term showed perfect knowledge of all program questions of course, and also of subjects of independent work, regularly handed over midterm tasks, showed independence in studying of theoretical and applied questions according to the main program of studied course, and also on extra program questions.
Grade «A-» (excellent) stipulates perfect knowledge of basic laws and processes, concepts, ability to generalization of theoretical questions of course, regular handing of midterm tasks of classroom and independent work.
Grade “B+” (good) is put in the case if student showed good and excellent knowledge of course questions, regularly handed over term tasks generally on “excellent” and some on “good”.
Grade “B” (good) is put in the case if student showed good knowledge of the questions opening the main maintenance of a concrete subject of course, and also subject of independent work, regularly handed over term tasks on “good” and “excellent”.
Grade “B-” (good) is put to a student in the case if he well is guided in theoretical and applied questions of course both on classroom, and on AL subjects, but irregularly handed over midterm tasks and had cases of a repeating an examination of term tasks on course.
Grade “C+” (satisfactory) is put to a student in the case he owns questions of conceptual character by all types of room classes and AL, can open the maintenance of separate modules of course, hands over on “good” and “satisfactory” term tasks.
Grade “C” (satisfactory) is put to a student in the case he owns questions of conceptual character by all types of room classes and AL, can open the maintenance of separate modules of course, hands over on “satisfactory” term tasks.
Grade “C-” (satisfactory) is put to a student in the case student during a term regularly handed over term tasks, but concerning room classes and AL owns only the general concepts and can explain only separate regularities and their understanding within a concrete subject.
Grade “D+” (satisfactory) is put to a student in the case he irregularly handed over term tasks concerning room classes and AL owns only the general concepts and can explain only separate regularities and their understanding within a concrete subject.
Grade “D-” (satisfactory) is put to a student in the case he irregularly handed over term tasks, concerning room classes and AL, owns the minimum volume of knowledge, and also allowed admissions of classes.
Grade “F” (unsatisfactorily) is put when student practically doesn’t own the minimum theoretical and practical material of room classes and AL on course, irregularly visits classes and doesn’t hand over in time term tasks
Midterm control is carried out on the 7, 14 weeks of study and it develops proceeding from the following types of control:
Type of control |
% th content |
Academic training period, week |
Total,% |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
Attendance |
1.0 |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
14 |
Lecture notes |
1.0 |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
14 |
Written test |
2 |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
28 |
AL |
1 |
* |
* |
* |
* |
4 |
Examintaion |
40 |
Total on attestation |
4 |
4 |
5 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
5 |
4 |
4 |
5 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
5 |
Total |
30 |
30 |
60 |
Attendance |
100 |
Policies and procedures
At the studying course “Computer Graphics” I ask to observe the following rules:
1. Not to be late for classes.
2. Not to skip classes without a good reason, in case of an illness I ask to provide the reference, in other cases – an explanatory note.
3. Duties of the student include visit of all types of occupations.
4. According to the schedule diagram of educational process to hand over all types of control.
5. To fulfill the passed practical and Lab.y researches in time specified by the teacher.
6. To fulfill the passed lecture classes (irrespective of the reason) in the form of the paper on the passed subject.
7. Actively to participate in educational process.
8. To be tolerant, open, frank and benevolent to fellow students and teachers.
Educational and methodical support of course
Author |
Literature |
Publishing house, year of the issue |
Number of copies |
library |
department |
Main literature |
Homonenko A.D. | Fundamentals of modern computer technologies: Textbook |
SPb., 2001. |
3 |
– |
Simonovich S.V. Evseev G.A., Alexeyev A.G. | Special informatics: Textbook |
M: AST-PRESS, 2001 |
2 |
– |
CJSC ASKON. | KOMPAS-3D V7. User’s manual |
Vol.I – 2004. CJSC ASKON. |
– |
10 |
Bolshakov V.P. | Engineering and computer graphics. Practicum. |
SPb.: BHV-Petersburg, 2004 |
3 |
– |
Polishyuk V.V. | AutoCAD 2000. |
“Dialog – MIFI”, 2000-448p |
4 |
– |
Krasilnikova G.A., Samsonov V.V. | Automatization of engineering graphical works |
SPb.: “piter”, 2001 – 255p. |
2 |
– |
Additional literature |
Zalogova L.A. | Informatics: practise on computer graphics. |
M.: Lab.y of Fundamental Knowledge, 2001. |
5 |
– |
Gorstko A.B., Kochkovskaya S.V. | Programming alphabet.. |
M.: Znaniye, 2000. |
3 |
– |
S.G. Suvorov, N.S. Suvorova | Drawing in mechanical engineering in the form of question-answer: Reference book – 2nd ed., revised and corrected |
M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1992. – 368 p. |
12 |
– |
Schedule for the completion of tasks on course
Type of control |
The purpose and contents of the task |
Recommended Reading |
The duration of the run |
Form of control |
Deadline |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Lab. work № 1 | The construction and design of the drawing in two-dimensional space |
[3, 4, 9] |
2 weeks |
current |
2nd Week |
Report on AL | Techniques for working with documents. Creating, opening, saving, closing documents. Document Properties. Document templates. |
[3, 4, 9] |
2 weeks |
current |
2nd Week |
Lab. work № 2 | Dimensioning the drawing |
[3, 4, 9] |
2 weeks |
current |
4th Week |
Report on AL | General information about the size of KOMPAS 3D. Methods of dimensioning. Teams prostanovki notation system KOMPAS 3D. |
[3, 4, 9] |
2 weeks |
current |
4th Week |
Lab. work № 3 | Performance tolerances and tolerances of form and arrangement of surfaces. |
[3, 4, 9] |
2 weeks |
current |
2nd Week |
Report on AL | The admission form. formation table |
[3, 4, 9] |
2 weeks |
current |
2nd Week |
Lab. work № 4 | tolerance. |
[3, 4, 9] |
2 weeks |
rubezh |
7th week |
Report on IWS | General principles of solid modeling |
[3, 4, 9] |
2 weeks |
current |
8th week |
Lab. work № 5 | Bonding and cut out-The knowledge of additional
forming part features |
[3, 4, 9] |
2 weeks |
current |
10th Week |
Report on AL | Library sketches KOMPAS 3D. |
[3, 4, 9] |
2 weeks |
current |
10th Week |
Lab. work № 6 | User library openings KOMPAS 3D. |
[3, 4, 9] |
2 weeks |
current |
12th Week |
Report on AL | Construction of additional design elements |
[3, 4, 6] |
2 weeks |
current |
12th Week |
Lab. work № 7 | Library Models KOMPAS 3D. Features library models. Inserting models from the library to the document-assembly. |
[3, 4, 9] |
1 week |
current |
13th Week |
Report on AL | Constructing arrays of elements in solid modeling |
[3, 4, 9] |
2 weeks |
rubezh |
14th week |
Lab. work № 8 | Exchange of information with other systems. Model parameterization. |
[3, 4, 9] |
2 weeks |
current |
15th week |
Report on AL | Construction of space curves |
[3, 4, 9] |
1 week |
current |
15th week |
Exam |
General methods of editing model. Geometric calculator KOMPAS 3D. |
All further reading, period. publication |
Final |
During examination period |
Questions for self-checking
1. Techniques for working with documents. Creating, opening, saving, closing-ment documents. Document Properties. Document templates.
2. Wednesday drawing and modeling (document types. Which file extension is a document).
3. Units. Measurement units.
4. Notation. Coordinate system.
5. Cursor and management.
6. Ways to specify the parameters of objects.
7. Fixation and release of object parameters.
8. Activate the default objects.
9. Storing objects parameters.
10. Automatic and manual creation of objects.
11. Bind.
12. Global binding.
13. Local binding.
14. Key bindings. Key combination to turn on the bindings.
15. Use, development and management of the local coordinate system.
16. Using layers. Possible states of the layers. Create and switch between layers. Management layers.
17. Overview of geometric objects.
18. What are checkboxes points and styles for their execution?
19. Appointment of auxiliary lines. What are the ways to construct auxiliary lines?
20. Methods for constructing segments in KOMPAS 3D V7.
21. Ways to construct circles in KOMPAS 3D V7.
22. Ways to construct an ellipse in KOMPAS 3D V7.
23. Ways to build the arc in KOMPAS 3D V7.
24. Ways to construct polygons in KOMPAS 3D V7.
25. Use of “continuous commissioning of facilities.”
26. Shading and its application.
27. Composite objects. Circuit. Equidistant curve.
28. Bezier curve, closed and open curves. Editing the positions of the points.
29. Build tree when dealing with the part.
30. Creating a model file. Coordinate system plane.
31. Orientation of the model.
32. Selection and editing of objects in the tree construction.
33. Requirements for drawings element extrusion. Extrusion forming element (direction, depth, angle).
34. Sketch element rotation. Type, direction, angle of rotation.
35. Creating basic part.
36. Sketching base.
37. Kinematic element. Requirements to sketches kinematic element.
38. Create a sketch on the flat face of a part.
39. Bonding of additional items. Sketching gluing the elements of the extrusion, rotation, and kinematic elements.
40. Cutting elements. Create thumbnails for items cut extrusion, rotation, and kinematic elements.
41. Additional design elements (fillet, chamfer). Methods of construction chamfers and rounding.
42. Rib. Requirement to sketch ribs. Forming ribs.
43. Thin shells. Type of construction of the thin wall.
44. Team “bias.” Requirements for the construction of the slope.
45. Cutting off the part. Removing parts of the teams “cross the plane”, “section on the design.”
46. Arrays. Create an array using the “array on the grid.”
47. Create an array using the “geometric mass Siv.”
48. Create an array using the “array in concentric grid.”
49. Create an array using the “array along the curve.”
50. Mirror array. Ways to build a mirror array.