
The Fund of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Leader of the Nation announces a competition:

– for the best research and achievements in the field of science and technology of young scientists of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

– for new and original works, programs and projects in the field of culture and arts of young leaders of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The main purpose of Competition is stimulation of innovative activity of the population and the promotion of innovative entrepreneurship.

The competition is open to young scientists and figures of culture and art aged up to 40 years.

Deadline for application submission: from 03.11.2016 to 30.12.2016.

Additional information and rules of the competition are on the website:

Detailed information can be obtained from Department of Science.

(main building, No. 226, tel.: 56-68-22, ext. 2226)

The competition rules in the field of science and technology

The competition rules in the field of culture and art
