Hour of Honesty

September 2, 2019 at the Faculty of Transport and Road with first-year students of groups OP-19-2 (curator Alimova B.Sh.), TT-19-2 (curator Mergenbaeva A.Zh.) and LOG-19-2 (Tusupbekova E .K.) A curatorial hour was held on the topic “Hour of Honesty”


The purpose of this event was to familiarize freshmen with the main provisions of the anti-corruption policy of KSTU. .

A crucial role in the formation of an anti-corruption culture is played by youth. Only the introduction of anti-corruption standards of behavior from a very early age will eradicate this social evil. Therefore, youth organizations have a special place in promoting zero tolerance for corruption. Today, the use of corruption prevention mechanisms as an anti-corruption education allows reaching all educational institutions, state bodies, civil society and helps to increase the level of legal literacy and the formation of intolerance to any manifestations of corruption.

     The main objective of such education is to instill the skills of anti-corruption behavior, explaining the rights and obligations, increasing the general legal literacy of the younger generation.
