Mine surveying and geodesy department
NAS RK corresponding member Popov I.I.
“Mine surveying and geodesy” department
Department of Mine Surveying and Geodesy named after Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Popov I.I. (hereinafter – MS&G) has been training specialists in the field of geodesy, cartography and mine surveying in Central Kazakhstan since 1953.
The department has a rich experience in training specialists, a powerful material and technical base and highly qualified staff. It trains bachelors, masters and doctoral students in seven educational programs, including three bachelor’s degree programs: “Mine Surveying”, ‘Geodesy and Cartography’, ‘Digital Aerial Photography’, three master’s degree programs: ‘Mine Surveying’, ‘Geodesy’, ‘Remote Sensing of the Earth’ and one scientific and pedagogical doctoral program ‘Mine Surveying’.
In 2024, the department opened a PhD doctoral program 8D07206 “Mine Surveying”. The first doctoral students were graduates of the department, young assistants: Ulpan Kubaidullina, Ruslan Baigali.
In June, 2024 the department’s academic staff under the chairmanship of the rector Sagintaeva S.S. carried out field meetings at mining enterprises. According to the results the demand for specialists for mine surveying and geomechanical services of mining enterprises was revealed.
The department held official meetings with employers, updated working curricula for all levels of training. The head of the department Khmyrova E.N. reported at the Academic Council on the opening of the specialized doctoral program 8D07208 “Mine Surveying” for the 2025 enrollment and it was approved.
At present, the faculty of the department includes three doctors of technical sciences, twelve candidates of technical sciences, one candidate of geographical sciences, two PhDs and seventeen masters of technical sciences.
The first head of the department was candidate of technical sciences, docent Trufanov I.A. (1953-1955), then the department was directed by doctor of technical sciences, professor Rudakov M.L. (1955-1960). In different years the department was under the direction of: doctor of technical sciences, professor, corresponding member of NAS RK Popov I.I. (1960-1990), doctor of technical sciences, professor, Okatov R.P. (1990-1998), doctor of technical sciences, professor, Nizametdinov F.K. (1998-2008 and 2009-2013), candidate of technical sciences, docent Dolgonossov V.N. (2008) and candidate of technical sciences, docent Khmyrova E.N. (from 2017 to present).
Corresponding member of NAS RK Popov I.I. holds the credit for formation of the teaching staff, the creation of educational, methodological, material and technical base of the department. During his work over 40 years, he created a research school on the problem of stability of quarry slopes, one of the largest in the USSR and leading in Kazakhstan. For the first time in the university Popov I.I. began to introduce programmed control of learning material mastering during training of students of mine surveying specialty, allowing to quickly and objectively assess the level of their knowledge.
From 1960 to 1970 the department was staffed by candidates of technical sciences, docents: Li A.P., Leonov A.M., Eshutkin N.V., Ryzhenkov V.I., Popov V.N., Orobinsky V.S.
In the following generations of teachers, a number of employees of the Kazakh branch of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Mining Geomechanics and Mine Surveying (candidate of technical sciences Murashov A.N., Poklad G.G., Pyatkova E.P., Zhumadilda B.I.) and mine surveyors from the mines of the Karaganda coal basin (Nemkin A.F., Okatov R.P., Baklanov E.V.) came to the department.
Since 1964 the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel through the postgraduate program at the department was started. From among the graduates of the department 20 people after defense of dissertations were engaged in teaching work.
Department of MS&G in 1975 (from left to right):
sitting: S.A. Shanaurova, E.P. Pyatkova, I.I. Popov, O.I. Lyagina, L.Z. Savchenko,
stand: Rakhimov G.N., Shpakov P.S., Rybalkin Yu.D., Baklanov E.V., Okatov R.P.,
Mastaev E., Kaymakov A.T., Nemkin A.F., Zagainov N., Yunakov Yu,
Zhumadilda B.I. and Poklad G.G.
A significant contribution to the development of the teaching and methodological base of the department was made by Poklad G.G., Okatov R.P. and Shpakov P.S. Thus, docent Poklad G.G. prepared and published a number of textbooks on the course “Geodesy”, and then a textbook for universities “Geodesy”, for students of “Mine Surveying” specialty. Prof. Okatov R.P. published a textbook “Mining Geometry” in 3 parts and “Taskbook on Mining Geometry”.
A great contribution to the development of scientific research of the department at this time was made by doctors of technical sciences, professors: Popov I.I., Popov V.N., Okatov R.P., Shpakov P.S., Nizametdinov F.K. and candidates of technical sciences, docents: Poklad G.G., Zhumadilda B.I., Yunakov Yu.L., Pyatkova E.P., Lyagina O.I.
Professors Popov I.I. and Okatov R.P. were engaged in solving problems in the field of management of stability of open pit slopes, development of calculation schemes of slope stability, identification of various regularities of rock mass state from the point of view of their strength properties, change of regularities of the structure of rock masses in open pit walls.
With the active participation of Bessimbayeva O.G., Khmyrova E.N., Amrenov K.A. new specialties and educational programs were opened at the department: in 1999 the specialty “Applied Geodesy”, in 2004 the bachelor’s degree: “Geodesy and Cartography” and master’s degree: “Mine Surveying”, “Geodesy”, “Cartography”. Highly qualified staff allowed in 2019 to open two innovative educational programs: “Digital Aerial Photography” in Bachelor’s degree and “Remote Sensing of the Earth” in Master’s degree.
The staff of the department developed the State Educational Standards for Bachelor’s Degree “Geodesy and Cartography” (2006, 2009) and Master’s degree “Mine Surveying” (2006), standard curricula for the disciplines of Master’s degree “Mine Surveying” (2016), Bachelor’s degree “Mining Engineering” (2016), (authors: Nizametdinov F.K., Bessimbaeva O.G., Ozhigin S.G., Khmyrova E.N., Starostina O.V., Dolgonossov V.N., Kapassova A.Z.).
Based on the analysis of the demand of large mining companies for specialists, from 2016 to 2019 the department has developed and implemented educational programs of specialized master’s degree program “Innovative technologies in mining and metallurgical complex. Geotechnics”. During this period, 139 highly qualified specialists were trained, who underwent internships in leading universities and research institutes of near and far abroad.
Fruitful activity of the department faculty on training of specialists, development and implementation of scientific research in different years was deservedly recognized with:
- Award of the Council of Ministers of the KazSSR in the field of science and technology in 1989 (Corresponding Member of the NAS RK Popov I.I., professors Okatov R.P., Shpakov P.S., Poklad G.G., docent Nizametdinov F.K.):
- Diplomas of I and II degree at All-Union Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy of KazSSR and USSR (1988) for high efficiency of implementation of scientific results;
- Diploma of the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR (Prof. Popov I.I., Poklad G.G., 1988) for the introduction of the system of programmed training of students in the educational process;
- badges “Excellent Teacher of USSR” (Prof. Popov I.I., Poklad G.G. and Zhumadilda B.I., 1990) and “For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (Prof. Nizametdinov F.K., 2006);
- title “The best teacher of higher education institution in the Republic of Kazakhstan” – Prof. Nizametdinov F.K. (2007, 2012); docents – Moser D.V. (2011), Zhunusova G.E. (2012), Ozhigin S.G. (2013), Toleubekova J.Z. (2013), Khmyrova E.N. and Dolgonossov V.N. (2014), Ozhigina S.B. and Bessimbaeva O.G. (2015) and Starostina O.V. (2017);
- Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of mining named after academician Terpigorev A.M. in 2011 for the scientific research “Improving the efficiency of underground mining operations through integrated management of geomechanical and gas-dynamic processes of coal mines”;
- Diplomas for I, II, III place in the competition “Best Graduating Department” in KSTU for ten years – until 2019.
- badges “Excellent worker of mining science” (Ozhigin S.G., Khmyrova E.N., Bessimbaeva O.G., Ozhigina S.B., 2016);
- badges “Honored geodesist” – Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Khmyrova E.N.), “Honored cartographer” (Bessimbaeva O.G.) and diplomas (Nizametdinov F.K., Starostina O.V. and Batyrshaeva J.M., 2020).
Young specialists continue improving their scientific and pedagogical level.
Senior lecturers Hannanov R.R., Oleinikova E.A. in the Dissertation Council 24.2.402.01 “Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies” (SGUGIT) defended candidate dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in the specialty 1.6.22. “Geodesy”.
Igemberlina M.B. on the basis of the decision of the Dissertation Council of Al Farabi Kazakh National University from 01.12.2023 was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on educational program 6D071100 “Geodesy”.
Tutanova M.S. graduated from the postgraduate program of SGUGIT, Kaigorodova E.V. is currently studying at the postgraduate program of SGUGIT. Graduated from doctoral studies, preparing for defense: Batyrshayeva J.M., Yartseva V.F., Satbergenova A.K., Rymkulova A.B.
Teachers of the Department of MS&G,
honored with the title “The best teacher of higher education institution in the Republic of Kazakhstan” (from left to right and from top to bottom: Dolgonossov V.N., Toleubekova J.Z., Moser D.V., Ozhigin S.G., Starostina O.V., Zhunussova G.E., Bessimbayeva O.G., Nizametdinov F.K., Ozhigina S.B., Khmyrova E.N.).
MS&G department staff, 2019.
The department has material and technical equipment, both traditional and laser-digital mine surveying and geodesy equipment. Modern laser-digital devices of Swiss production of the company “Leica Geosystems”: electronic total stations – automatic machines that allow to measure angles with an accuracy of 1”-5” and line lengths with an accuracy of 2mm per 1km line, digital levels, global satellite systems (GPS): base station and portable rovers, laser tape measures, laser 3D scanners and electronic planimeters. The department has created educational and scientific laboratories: “Perspective technologies in mining”, “Laser geoscanning” center, “Bim technologies and digitalization of mine surveying and geodesy operations” center, which are equipped with the latest generation computers and software products: CREDO, GEMCOM, MICROMINE, K-mine. There are modern devices, including: electronic total station TS16 I 1 R1000 Total; a complex geomechanical system for assessing the condition of rock mass; electronic laser scanner HDS ScanStation 3D; drones, etc.
The availability of educational and scientific laboratories at the department allows training of specialists of mining and mine surveying-geodetic specializations at a qualitatively new digital level.
Students have a great opportunity to engage in research work, as well as to study the most modern surveying and geodetic equipment, which corresponds to the new concept of education development in Kazakhstan.
Study of digital devices at the surveying range
in Karkaralinsk (senior lecturer, Nagibin A.A.)
To consolidate theoretical knowledge on surveying and higher geodesy students undergo in summer special educational geodetic practical training in the sports and recreational camp “Polytechnik”, located in the most picturesque place of Karkaraly mountain range. Every year about 150 students undergo practical training in the camp.
Students internships are held at mines and quarries of ArcelorMittal Temirtau UD, Kazakhmys Corporation LLP, SSGPO JSC, Altyntau Kokchetau JSC and other mining and construction enterprises under agreements with KarTU.
Acting docent, PhD Ozhigin D.S.
In order to improve the quality of professional training of undergraduate and graduate students there are branches of the department on the operating bases of JSC “Shubarkol Komir” and the Branch “Ortalykgeodesia” RSE on REU “National Center of Geodesy and Spatial Information”, LLP “City Cadastral Center of Karaganda”.
A new direction is the performance of scientific research works on implementation of the state program of development of digital technologies in topographic and cartographic support of different sectors of economy with the use of aerial scanning and study of the earth surface with the help of space images. The annual volume of financing of scientific contract-based research is about 100 million tenge. In the scientific aspect, the department has close ties with engineering project, research organizations, as well as mining enterprises.
The MS&G department has close international relations in the framework of the concluded cooperation agreements with other related departments of mine surveying and geodesy direction and enterprises. These include departments at the universities: MSMU, St. Petersburg STU, Ural STU, Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technology (RF); Clausthal University of Technology (Germany), and Leica GEOSYSTEMS (Switzerland).
An important direction of the department’s activity to improve the educational process and improve the quality of training is the involvement of foreign scientists to conduct lectures and practical seminars on the study of modern electronic laser devices and innovative technologies for solving problems of geodesy, cartography and geomechanics: R. Karl (Prague, Czech Republic), V. Busch (Clausthal, Germany), B. Reznik (Berlin, Germany), D.V. Baryshnikov (Novosibirsk, Russia), M.G. Mustafin (St. Petersburg, Russia), E.V. Levin (Michigan, USA).
The department on 70th anniversary of Abylkas Saginov Karagandy Technical University (2023)
During its existence, the department has trained more than 2000 specialists who are successfully working at mining and construction enterprises. For example, CD “Borly” of LLP “Corporation Kazakhmys” is led by a graduate of the department General Director Sergeev A.V., JSC “Shubarkol Komir” Vice President – Candidate of Engineering Sciences Kim S.P., JSC “Shubarkol Komir” – Chief Surveyor Sitnikov D.V. and others.
A notable achievement of academic staff of the department is the creation of the Union of Mine Surveyors of Kazakhstan, the chairman of which is Nizametdinov F.K., and holding the International Forum of Mine Surveyors in the walls of KarTU with the support of the rectorate. Currently, the staff of the Department of MS&G aims to fulfill new tasks related to improving the quality of training of mine surveying and geodesy specialists on the basis of updating the material and technical base and deepening of fundamental scientific research in the field of geodesy, mine surveying and geomechanics.