- On approval of state compulsory standards of higher and postgraduate education – https://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/V2200028916
- On approval of qualification requirements imposed on educational activities of organizations providing higher and (or) postgraduate education, and the list of documents confirming compliance with them – https://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/V1500011716
- On approval of the Rules of organizing the educational process using credit technology of education at organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education – https://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/V1100006976
- On approval of the Model rules of the activities of organizations of higher and postgraduate education – https://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/V1800017657
- On approval of requirements for educational organizations for the provision of distance learning and the rules of organizing the educational process for distance learning and in the form of online learning under educational programs of higher and (or) postgraduate education – https://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/V1500010768