Academic Process

      Department of «Information computing systems»(IСS)

  1. Educational plan
  2. Public Information
  3. Training Resources And Support For Masters
  4. “Postgraduate education: Master’s degree”
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         Academic calendar

Useful links for teachers

                      Material base
Video clips about the Department of ICS Information and Computing Systems

The learning process is the teacher’s consistent training actions system to achieve cognitive results and the corresponding consistent change of mental development of the student. The learning process first of all is process of learning world by student.This feature suggests the similarity of training with all types and forms of human cognitive activity, that the learning process is based on the general laws of man’s knowledge of the world, the theory of knowledge of dialectical materialism is the methodological basis of the learning process.This feature suggests the similarity of learning with other man’s kinds and forms of mental actions and that the learning process based on general laws of learning world by student, also dialectical materialism’s knowledge theory is methodological base of the learning process. The dialectic’s laws are shown also in the learning process.


Preparation for classes at the department
Laboratory work in the 409 audience

     Teachers of the department are used in teaching information and communication technology and modern means of learning that shapes the cognitive activity of students, and develops the need to obtain new knowledge. Teachers under development and certification of electronic educational editions, updating training materials, preparation of test items for the intermediate outcome of control measures.

The development of electronic educational editions

For the implementation of innovative teaching methods in the pulpit secured four computer labs, five lecture rooms equipped with modern computers, interactive whiteboards in three, six projectors. In support of the State Program “Digital Kazakhstan” and the national project “Intellectual Nation 2020”, proclaimed by the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev, an IT Competence Center was opened on the basis of the IVS Department in 2018.In support of the State Program “Digital Kazakhstan” and the national project “Intellectual Nation 2020”, proclaimed by the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev, on the basis of the Department of ICS in 2018, the:

IT Competence Center
  • Network AcademyCISCO.
  • Network Academy

    The purpose of educational-methodical work of department – maintenance of educational process with necessary materials, increase of pedagogical skill of teachers ( Центре IT-компетенций ), perfection classroom and independent work of students, improvement of all forms, kinds and methods of study. One of the major components of educational-methodical work of department is its methodical work. Training courses of a speciality are provided by following methodical materials: WSP, Sillabus, KMCDT, the electronic textbook, methodical recommendations about performance of laboratory, practical works, and also course designing. On chair work with students on preparation and protection of the degree projects focused on the decision of actual industrial, social and economic and scientific problems is conducted.

    The collective of chair takes active part in educational-methodical conferences on perfection of techniques of teaching of courses on a profile of the chair, new information technology in formation, the organization of independent work of students, increase of level of is professional-methodical skill. As a result of performance of state budgetary work on a theme «Working out of the educational literature on special disciplines in sphere of information technology and the electronic techniques» 62 textbooks have been developed for system of averrage-special educational institutions and presented on reviewing in EMB in directions of preparation.

    The meeting of the teaching staff in the IT company EPAM
