Academic mobility of teaching staff

In accordance with the implementation of a comprehensive program for the implementation of academic mobility of teaching staff, on 12.10.2021 at the Department of “Industrial Transport” the map was lectured by teachers of the Department of “Organization of traffic on transport” of the Tashkent State Transport University (Tashkent, Uzbekistan):

1) Ph. D., acting Professor sh. M. Suyunbaev on the theme “Improvement of methods of technical and operational assessment of the organization and manage the volumes of marshalling yards”;

2) PhD, acting Associate Professor Zhumaev Sh.B– – “Improving the technology of cargo facilities maintenance in conditions of car fleet separation”;

3) trainee researcher Kayumov Sh.Sh– – “Improving the technology of processes of interaction between railway transport and users of freight transportation services”.

We express our gratitude to the above-mentioned teachers of the Tashkent State Transport University for conducting lectures and hope for further cooperation in the field of education and science between our universities.
