Letter to Santa Claus

Letter to Santa Claus

The Department of Higher Mathematics, without breaking traditions, annually on the eve of the New Year fulfills the wishes of children that they wrote to Santa Claus. This past year there were two such children.

The teaching staff of the Department of VM granted the wish of a beautiful little girl (from a low-income family) Nurbolat Zere, born in 2017, who dreamed of a children’s set of cosmetics and jewelry.

Gordey Volkov has been receiving gifts from the Department of Higher Mathematics for several years now; this year, he wished for an inflatable tubing (a boy – a child with a disability) as a gift from Santa Claus.

Happy New Year, kids, Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts! Good Grandfather Frost Requests will be fulfilled seriously, Will prepare gifts for everyone, The holiday will be kind and bright! We are fun and kind We wish you, kids! New games and entertainment, New Year’s adventures!
